Duaman Duathlon | Race Tips | SBR.ph Tri Series 2013

Hey everyone! The Duaman Duathlon is just around the corner! Are you ready?? For the newbies, check out these lucky 7 tips from Coach Andy Leuterio! Big cheese and head coach of Alpha Training Systems.

Goodluck everyone and see you this Sunday!

Tip #1: Pace conservatively. The 1st run should be enjoyable and let you speak in short sentences. Use it as a “hard” warmup to get you into the rhythm. Ride the bike at a constant cadence, shifting gears as necessary. Keep intensity around 7-8/10 on Rate of Perceived Exertion. Spin easy for the last 5″ to prepare for the final run. On the 2nd run, go for broke as soon as you get your legs back.

Tip #2: Douse your head liberally. It’s effin’ hot.

Tip #3: Practice your transition at least once this week. Do you go “head to toe” (Helmet on, then change shoes?) or “toe to head” (change shoes, then helmet?). Have 2 small bottles of water to douse with in T1 and T2.

Tip #3: Memorize your spot in transition. Don’t be That Guy wandering all over the place looking for his bike. And keep your spot TIDY.

Tip #4: Pay attention on the bike! Stay right except to pass. Even though you think you’re going pretty fast, always assume there’s someone faster coming behind who needs some room on your left.

Tip #5: Make sure you know how to fix a flat. Don’t let this end your race. Sayang naman.

Tip #6: Zip up your suit if there are cameras around. Keep your hands into loose fists, elbows close to the chest, near 90 degrees. Looks much better for the camera, very “Pro”. and don’t slouch on the run. Upright torso, slight forward lean, relaxed shoulders, smile. Don’t grimace. Smiling looks better for the Facebook and instagram photos.

Tip #7: Give a little energy, to get more of the same. Cheer on your fellow racers, thank the volunteers. Loosen up and enjoy the day!



SBR.ph Team

A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

One Comment

  1. Thanks for this post. Personally I don’t have an iota of an idea of
    what goes on in a duathlon. This is going to be my first ever and any
    information from those in the know is most welcome.  By the way, is the
    drafting rule in effect here?

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