NIKE, The Winged Goddess of Victory, testifies to Wheatgrass as source for Power and Stamina. In a temple in Ephesus, Turkey that was unearthed a century ago, NIKE, The Winged Goddess of Victory, is shown holding in her left hand a crown of laurel leaves, a symbol for Victory, and a bushel of Wheatgrass leaves in her right hand, showing that during the time of Ancient Greeks, they used wheatgrass as a source of power and stamina and was considered essential for victory.
IMPROVES POWER AND STAMINA. The deep-green Wheatgrass powder in WheatgrassMAX contains a number of important nutrients available in the natural synergistic form that makes WheatgrassMAX a complete food that the body requires daily to enhance POWER & STAMINA.
Among the major nutrients in WheatgrasMAX are high percentages of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, chlorophyll and insoluble fiber.
WheatgrassMAX also has an astonishingly high amino acid content including the eight essential amino acids. Leucine promotes the healing of muscle tissue, skin, and bones and aids in increasing growth hormone production. Methionine is a powerful anti-oxidant and assists the breakdown of fats, thus also helps in preventing the build up of fat. Valine is needed for muscle metabolism and coordination, tissue repair, and for the maintenance of proper nitrogen balance in the body.
WheatgrassMAX also contain Vitamin C, E and K, biotin, choline, lycopene, beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, calcium, cobalt, copper, alamine and arginine.
All of these, in one refreshing drink makes WheatgrassMAX a rich source for POWER & STAMINA.
REDUCES SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC FATIGUE AND INCREASES ENERGY LEVEL. Its highly alkaline Chlorophyll content helps restore the body’s acid-alkaline balance that is essential in maintaining normal body functions. Chlorophyll also increases the oxygen uptake in the blood which increases energy and helps relieve fatigue.
BOOSTS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM AGAINST DISEASES. WheatgrassMAX’s powerful antioxidants, Vitamins A and C, enzymes and phytochemicals shield the body’s healthy cells from the destructive free radicals’ oxidative damage thus fortifying the body’s natural protection against common health threats.
DETOXIFIES THE BODY. WheatgrassMAX’s powder contains insoluble fibers that effectively ease the daily elimination of body wastes and toxins.
The deep green color along with the aroma and taste of fresh wheatgrass indicates the superior quality and process used in making WheatgrassMAX.
This ensures that each glass of WheatgrassMAX contains all the health enhancing nutrients found in top-quality wheatgrass.
One teaspoon of wheatgrass powder is nutritionally equal to an entire spinach salad weighing a full 50 grams. Wheatgrass has 3 times as much protein concentration as beef. Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and has more than twice the vitamin A in carrots. Wheatgrass contains over 90 minerals, including alkaline minerals, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.
WheatgrassMax Gives You More Powder Per Sachet:
Each sachet of WheatgrassMax contains 3 grams of pure wheatgrass powder which is at least 50% more than other competitive products in the market.
Best Quality Wheatgrass:
A. Certified Organic – The wheatgrass powder ingredient of WheatgrassMAX comes from a certified organic farm in the pristine Swan Hill area in Victoria, Australia known for its rich soil, clean environment and abundant sunlight. This ensures that its young leaves that are harvested to produce the wheatgrass powder contains high level of Chlorophyll as well as all the other phythonutrients beneficial to health such as antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C.
B. Low Temperature Drying – The young leaves harvested from the farm are brought within one hour from harvest to the drying plant where it undergoes a special dehydration process using only 42°C temperature which ensures that all its health beneficial nutrients are preserved. Because of the very low drying temperature, the dried leaves remain as green as when it was freshly harvested.
C. Air Milled to 50 Micron Powder Fineness – The dried leaves are then mechanically pulverized by a special air mill to produce a 50 micron powder — so fine that when mixed with water or juice, one whould think that the powder dissolves. The fact is that the 50 micron powder is merely suspended in the liquid it is mixed with to produce a smooth and refreshing drink that has the natural aroma of fresh wheatgrass and its surprisingly palatable taste.
In effect when drinking WheatgrassMax, one takes in the whole wheatgrass leaf and all its health-enhancing nutrients including its solid fibers.
Studies on Wheatgrass
Extensive research over the past 50 years of the rich green goodness of wheatgrass leaf has confirmed its value as a complete food, available in a natural synergistic form that makes it an ideal dietary supplement for health and vitality. “Wheatgrass juice will detoxify the body by increasing the elimination of hardened mucous, crystallised acids and solidified, decaying faecal matter. Its high enzyme content helps dissolve tumors. It is the fastest, surest way to eliminate internal waste and provide an optimum nutritional environment.”
-Survival Into The 1st Century by Rev Viktoras Kulvinskas, MS “Through scientific investigation and experimentation we have discovered that wheatgrass furnishes the body with vital nourishment, which, when missing, yields sickness.” -Dr. Ann Wigmore (The Wheatgrass Book, 1989)
What Wheatgrass Can Do For You*:
Increases Energy, Stamina, Endurance Helps Repair DNA Enhances Immunity Combats Free Radicals Fights Carcinogens Provides Growth Hormones Promotes Longevity Lowers Bad Cholesterol Prevents Inflammation Helps Heal Skin Diseases Increases Cellular Rejuvenation Neutralizes Pesticides Lowers Atherosclerosis Risk
*According to studies conducted and reviewed by Steve Meyerowitz published in Wheatgrass: Nature’s Finest Medicine.