Tri Series 2020 | Rules and Regulations

Scroll down for the rules and regulations of each event of the Tri Series 2020 Powered By Go For Gold.

The Aquaman Aquathlon 2020 Rules are intended to:

  1. Encourage everyone to join by creating a non-intimidating swim-run event
  2. Create an atmosphere of sportsmanship, equality, and fair play
  3. Provide safety and protection
  4. Emphasize ingenuity and skill without unduly limiting the athlete’s freedom of action
  5. Penalize athletes who gain an unfair advantage

General Conduct:

  1. Triathlon and other related multi-sports involve many athletes. Race tactics are part of the interaction between athletes.
  2. Athletes will practice good sportsmanship at all times.
  3. Athletes will be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
  4. Know, understand and follow the Competition Rules.
  5. Obey traffic regulations and instructions from race officials.
  6. Treat other athletes, officials, volunteers, and spectators with respect and courtesy.
  7. Avoid the use of abusive language.
  8. Inform a Race Official after withdrawing from the race.
  9. Compete without receiving assistance other than from event personnel and officials.
  10. This is an earth-friendly race; all participants must bring their own bottles.  Water jugs will be available to refill the bottles.


  1. Aquathlons and other related multi-sports are strenuous. To be able to compete, athletes should be in excellent physical condition. Their health and welfare are of paramount importance. By starting in a race, the athletes declare they are in good health and good physical condition to complete the race.
  2. Athletes are encouraged to perform periodic health evaluation (PHE) and to undergo a pre-participation evaluation (PPE) prior to engaging in competitive sport.


  1. An athlete’s age is determined by their age on December 31st in the year of competition.
  2. Athletes must compete in their respective categories.
  3. An athlete who competes in a category different from his/her age, in a distance in which is not allowed will be disqualified from the events she took part in. Any awards and prizes will be removed.


  1. Each athlete must have personal insurance coverage. This insurance will cover any accidents occurring during the competition.

Race Cancellation:

In the event of race cancellation due to storm, rain, inclement weather, wind, riot/war, the presence of imminent danger to participants, any other unforeseeable or act of God conditions, the entry fee shall be non-refundable, non-transferable and non-applicable to future races.


  1. All athletes must provide a Government-Issued ID at race registration/packet pick-up prior to competition.
  2. All athletes must pick up their own race packet at the official race registration area during a designated time.
  3. The race packets will contain an official race number for the body (bib number), a swim cap and a timing chip.

Race numbers:

  1. Race number (bib number) must be worn by athletes during the run segment. The race number must be visible on the front.
  2. Body markings are to be applied to each arm and leg unless instructed otherwise by the Race Official at the briefing.

Timing and Results:

    1. A race will be won by the athlete who has the shortest time from the start signal to the moment when the athlete finishes the race. An athlete will be judged as “finished,” the moment any part of the torso, reaches the perpendicular line extending from the leading edge of the finish line.
    2. All the athletes will be ranked according to their times.
    3. The official results will list the athletes according to their finish time.
Time splits to be included are:
  1. Swim or first segment
  2. Run or second segment
  3. Overall finish time
  1. Results will include athletes who do not finish the race (DNF), those who do not start (DNS), those who are disqualified (DSQ).

Safety Guidelines:

  1. The responsibility of remaining on the course rests with the athlete. Any athlete, who appears to Technical or Medical Officials as presenting a danger to themselves or others, may be removed from the competition.

Illegal Equipment:

  1. Glass containers
  2. Speed Suits and wetsuits
  3. Snorkels, fins, and other flotation devices

General Rules:

  1. Athletes must use only their designated transition space and/or bin.
  2. Athletes must place within 0.5 m of the bin all equipment to be used at a later stage in the event. If a bin is not provided, the 0.5 m will be measured from the rack number or nameplate.
  3. All equipment already used must be deposited in the bin. Only equipment to be used during the competition can be left in transition. All other belongings and equipment are to be removed before race start.
  4. Athletes must not impede the progress of other athletes in the Transition Area.
  5. Athletes must not interfere with another athlete’s equipment in the Transition Area.
  6. Nudity or indecent exposure is forbidden.
  7. Athletes can not stop in the flow zones of the Transition Area.
  8. Marking positions in the Transition Area is not allowed. Marks will be removed.

General Rules:

  1. Bare torso running is not allowed. If caught, the runner will be disqualified. Photos may be used to disqualify post-race.
  2. It is the runner’s responsibility to count the number of loops. The timing system will verify the no of loops done.
  3. Overtake on the left.
  4. Walkers/slow runners stay on the right side.


See event page for competition categories and details.


Athletes who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be awarded a medal.


  1. A protest is against the conduct of an athlete, Race Official, or the conditions of the competition. An athlete may file a protest with the Race Official provided the protest has not been previously observed by the Technical Officials and ruled upon by the Referee.
  2. Where event competition rules do not cover the incident, ITU, FINA & IAAF Rules will apply.

Protests Concerning Eligibility:
Protests concerning the eligibility of an athlete shall be made to the race official before the start of the race.
Protests Concerning the Course:
Protests concerning the safety of the course or its variance to the regulations must be made to the Referee no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the race.
Protests Concerning the Race:
An athlete, who protests against another athlete or official, must do so to the Referee within fifteen (15) minutes of his/her finish time. However, the intention to write a protest has to be announced to the Referee within five (5) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests Concerning Equipment:
Protests concerning an athlete’s equipment must be delivered to the Referee fifteen (15) minutes after his/her finish time. However, the intention to write a protest has to be announced to the Referee within five (5) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests Concerning Timing and Results:
Protests concerning mistakes in timing and results (time errors, athletes’ ranking) may be delivered in writing by the athlete to the Race Organizer within thirty (30) days after the competition.

Contents of a Protest:

  1. The protest must be accompanied by a deposit of Php 3,000 and will be refunded if the protest is successful. If the protest is denied, there will be no refund and the money will be retained by Race Organizer.
  2. Information to be included:
    • The alleged rule violated
    • The location and approximate time of the alleged violation
    • Persons involved in the alleged violation
    • A statement, including a diagram of the alleged violation, if possible
    • The names of witnesses who observed the alleged violation

Outside Assistance:
Medical assistance and food and liquid are permitted at designated aid stations only. All other outside assistance is prohibited.

The Duaman Duathlon 2020 rules are intended to:

  • Create an atmosphere of sportsmanship, equality, and fair play
  • Provide safety and protection
  • Emphasize ingenuity and skill without unduly limiting the athlete’s freedom of action
  • Penalize athletes who gain an unfair advantage

General Conduct:

  • Duathlon and other related multi-sports involve many athletes. Race tactics are part of the interaction between athletes.
  • Athletes will practice good sportsmanship at all times.
  • Athletes will be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
  • Know, understand and follow the Competition Rules.
  • Obey traffic regulations and instructions from race officials.
  • Treat other athletes, officials, volunteers, and spectators with respect and courtesy.
  • Avoid the use of abusive language.
  • Inform a Race Official after withdrawing from the race.
  • Compete without receiving assistance other than from event personnel and officials.


  • Duathlons and other related multi-sports are strenuous. To be able to compete, athletes should be in excellent physical condition. Their health and welfare are of paramount importance. By starting in a race, the athletes declare they are in good health and good physical condition to complete the race.
  • Athletes are encouraged to perform periodic health evaluation (PHE) and to undergo a pre-participation evaluation (PPE) prior to engaging in competitive sport.


  • An athlete’s age is determined by their age on December 31st in the year of competition.
  • Athletes must compete in their respective categories.
  • An athlete who competes in a category different from his/her age, in a distance in which he/she is not allowed will be disqualified from the events he/she took part in. Any awards and prizes will be removed.


  • Each athlete must have personal insurance coverage. This insurance will cover any accidents occurring during the competition.


  • All athletes must provide a Government-issued ID at race registration/packet pick-up prior to competition.
  • All athletes must pick up their own race packet at the official race registration area during a designated time. The race packets will contain a minimum of three (3) official race numbers one (1) for the body (bib number), one (1) for bicycle and one (1) for helmet) and a timing chip.

Race numbers:

  • Race number (bib number) must be worn by athletes during the bike segment and must be visible on the back.
  • Race number (bib number) must be worn by athletes during the run segment. The race number must be visible on the front.

Timing and Results:

  • A race will be won by the athlete who has the shortest time from the start signal to the moment when the athlete finishes the race. An athlete will be judged as “finished,” the moment any part of the torso, reaches the perpendicular line extending from the leading edge of the finish line.
  • All the athletes will be ranked according to their times.
  • The official results will list the athletes according to their finish time.

Time splits to be included are:

  • Run 1 or first segment
  • Bike or second segment
  • Run 2 or third segment
  • Overall finish time
  • Results will include athletes who do not finish the race (DNF), those who do not start (DNS), those who are disqualified (DSQ).

Safety Guidelines:

  • The responsibility of remaining on the course rests with the athlete. Any athlete, who appears to Technical or Medical Officials as presenting a danger to themselves or others, may be removed from the competition.

Illegal Equipment:

  • Electric Bicycles
  • Bicycles with missing front and/or rear brakes
  • Headphone(s) and headset(s), mobile phones or any other electronic listening communication device
  • Glass containers

General Rules:

  • All athletes must have their helmet securely fastened from the time they remove their bike from the rack at the start of the bike leg, until after they have placed their bike on the rack at the finish of the bike leg.
  • Athletes must use only their designated bike rack and must rack their bike.
  • Athletes must place within 0.5 m of the bin all equipment to be used at a later stage in the event. If a bin is not provided, the 0.5 m will be measured from the rack number or nameplate.
  • All equipment already used must be deposited in the bin. Only equipment to be used during the competition can be left in transition. All other belongings and equipment are to be removed before race start.
  • Bike shoes, glasses, helmet, and other bike equipment can be placed on the bike.
  • Athletes must not impede the progress of other athletes in the Transition Area.
  • Athletes must not interfere with another athlete’s equipment in the Transition Area.
  • Cycling is not permitted inside the Transition Area. Athletes must mount their bicycles after the mount line by having one complete foot contact with the ground after the mount line. Athletes must dismount their bicycles before the dismount line by having one complete foot contact with the ground before the dismount line. While in the transition area (before the mount line and after the dismount line) the bike can be pushed only by the athlete’s hands. Mount and dismount lines are parts of the transition area.
  • Nudity or indecent exposure is forbidden. Bare torso running is not allowed.
  • Athletes cannot stop in the flow zones of the Transition Area.
  • Marking positions in the Transition Area is not allowed. Marks will be removed.


See event page for competition categories and details.


Athletes who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be awarded medals.


  • A protest is against the conduct of an athlete, Race Official, or the conditions of the competition. An athlete may file a protest with the Race Official provided the protest has not been previously observed by the Technical Officials and ruled upon by the Referee.
  • Where event competition rules do not cover the incident, ITU, UCI & IAAF Rules will apply.

Protests Concerning Eligibility:
Protests concerning the eligibility of an athlete shall be made to the race official before the start of the race.
Protests Concerning the Course:
Protests concerning the safety of the course or its variance to the regulations must be made to the Referee no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the race.
Protests Concerning the Race:
An athlete, who protests against another athlete or official, must do so to the Referee within fifteen (15) minutes of his/her finish time. However, the intention to write a protest has to be announced to the Referee within five (5) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests Concerning Equipment:
Protests concerning an athlete’s equipment must be delivered to the Referee fifteen (15) minutes after his/her finish time. However, the intention to write a protest has to be announced to the Referee within five (5) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests Concerning Timing and Results:
Protests concerning mistakes in timing and results (time errors, athletes’ ranking) may be delivered in writing by the athlete to the Race Organizer within thirty (30) days after the competition.
Contents of a Protest:

  • The protest must be accompanied by a deposit of Php 3,000 and will be refunded if the protest is successful. If the protest is denied, there will be no refund and the money will be retained by Race Organizer.
  • Information to be included:
  • The alleged rule violated
  • The location and approximate time of the alleged violation
  • Persons involved in the alleged violation
  • A statement, including a diagram of the alleged violation, if possible
  • The names of witnesses who observed the alleged violation

Outside Assistance:
Medical assistance and food and liquid are permitted at designated aid stations only. All other outside assistance is prohibited.

The Triman Triathlon 2019 Competition Rules are intended to:

  1. Encourage everyone to join by creating a non-intimidating swim-run event
  2. Create an atmosphere of sportsmanship, equality, and fair play
  3. Provide safety and protection
  4. Emphasize ingenuity and skill without unduly limiting the athlete’s freedom of action
  5. Penalize athletes who gain an unfair advantage

General Conduct:

  1. Triathlons and other related multi-sports involve many athletes. Race tactics are part of the interaction between athletes.
  2. Athletes will practice good sportsmanship at all times.
  3. Athletes will be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
  4. Know, understand and follow the Competition Rules.
  5. Obey traffic regulations and instructions from race officials.
  6. Treat other athletes, officials, volunteers, and spectators with respect and courtesy.
  7. Avoid the use of abusive language.
  8. Inform a Race Official after withdrawing from the race.
  9. Compete without receiving assistance other than from event personnel and officials.
  10. This is an earth-friendly race; all participants must bring their own bottles.  Water jugs will be available to refill the bottles.


  1. Triathlons and other related multi-sports are strenuous. To be able to compete, athletes should be in excellent physical condition. Their health and welfare are of paramount importance. By starting in a race, the athletes declare they are in good health and in good physical condition to complete the race.
  2. Athletes are encouraged to perform periodic health evaluation (PHE) and to undergo a pre-participation evaluation (PPE) prior to engaging in competitive sport.


  1. An athlete’s age is determined by their age on December 31st in the year of competition.
  2. Athletes must compete in their respective age categories.
  3. An athlete who competes in a category different from his/her age, in a distance in which is not allowed will be disqualified from the events she took part in. Any awards and prizes will be removed.


  1. Each athlete must have personal insurance coverage. This insurance will cover any accidents occurring during the competition.

Race Cancellation:

In the event of race cancellation due to storm, rain, inclement weather, wind, riot/war, the presence of imminent danger to participants, any other unforeseeable or act of God conditions, the entry fee shall be non-refundable, non-transferable and non-applicable to future races.


  1. All athletes must provide an ID at race registration/packet pick-up prior to competition.
  2. All athletes must pick up their own race packet at the official race registration area during a designated time.
  3. The race packets will contain an official race number for the body (bib number), a swim cap and a timing chip.

Race numbers:

  1. Race number (bib number) must be worn by athletes during the bike and run segment. The race number must be visible on the back during the bike and in front during the run.
  2. Body markings are to be applied to each arm and leg unless instructed otherwise by the Race Official at the briefing.

Timing and Results:

    1. 1. A race will be won by the athlete who has the shortest time from the start signal to the moment when the athlete finishes the race. An athlete will be judged as “finished,” the moment any part of the torso, reaches the perpendicular line extending from the leading edge of the finish line.
    2. All the athletes will be ranked according to their times.
    3. The official results will list the athletes according to their finish time.
Time splits to be included are:
  1. Swim or first segment
  2. Bike or second segment
  3. Run or third segment
  4. Overall finish time
  1. Results will include athletes who do not finish the race (DNF), those who do not start (DNS), those who are disqualified (DSQ).

Safety Guidelines:

  1. The responsibility of remaining on the course rests with the athlete. Any athlete, who appears to Technical or Medical Officials as presenting a danger to themselves or others, may be removed from the competition.

Illegal Equipment:

  1. Glass containers
  2. Speed Suits and wetsuits
  3. Snorkels, fins, and other flotation devices
  4. MP3 players, music device

General Rules:

  1. Athletes must use only their designated transition space and/or bin.
  2. Athletes must place within 0.5 m of the bin all equipment to be used at a later stage in the event. If a bin is not provided, the 0.5 m will be measured from the rack number or nameplate.
  3. All equipment already used must be deposited in the bin. Only equipment to be used during the competition can be left in transition. All other belongings and equipment are to be removed before race start.
  4. Athletes must not impede the progress of other athletes in the Transition Area.
  5. Athletes must not interfere with another athlete’s equipment in the Transition Area.
  6. Nudity or indecent exposure is forbidden.
  7. Athletes can not stop in the flow zones of the Transition Area.
  8. Marking positions in the Transition Area is not allowed. Marks will be removed.

General Rules:

  1. Bare torso running is not allowed. If caught, the runner will be disqualified. Photos may be used to disqualify post-race.
  2. It is the runner’s responsibility to count the number of loops. The timing system will verify the no of loops done.
  3. Overtake on the left.
  4. Walkers/slow runners stay on the right side.


See event page for competition categories and details.


Athletes who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd will be awarded medals.


  • A protest is against the conduct of an athlete, Race Official, or the conditions of the competition. An athlete may file a protest with the Race Official provided the protest has not been previously observed by the Technical Officials and ruled upon by the Referee.
  • Where event competition rules do not cover the incident, ITU, UCI & IAAF Rules will apply.

Protests Concerning Eligibility:
Protests concerning the eligibility of an athlete shall be made to the race official before the start of the race.
Protests Concerning the Course:
Protests concerning the safety of the course or its variance to the regulations must be made to the Referee no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the race.
Protests Concerning the Race:
An athlete, who protests against another athlete or official, must do so to the Referee within fifteen (15) minutes of his/her finish time. However, the intention to write a protest has to be announced to the Referee within five (5) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests Concerning Equipment:
Protests concerning an athlete’s equipment must be delivered to the Referee fifteen (15) minutes after his/her finish time. However, the intention to write a protest has to be announced to the Referee within five (5) minutes of his/her finish time. After this deadline, only protests following this process will be admitted.
Protests Concerning Timing and Results:
Protests concerning mistakes in timing and results (time errors, athletes’ ranking) may be delivered in writing by the athlete to the Race Organizer within thirty (30) days after the competition.
Contents of a Protest:

  • The protest must be accompanied by a deposit of Php 3,000 and will be refunded if the protest is successful. If the protest is denied, there will be no refund and the money will be retained by Race Organizer.
  • Information to be included:
  • The alleged rule violated
  • The location and approximate time of the alleged violation
  • Persons involved in the alleged violation
  • A statement, including a diagram of the alleged violation, if possible
  • The names of witnesses who observed the alleged violation

Outside Assistance:
Medical assistance and food and liquid are permitted at designated aid stations only. All other outside assistance is prohibited.

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