K-Swiss SuBIT 2012 presented by Century Tuna | Entry Form | Race Info

Here comes one of the most highly anticipated triathlon events of the year! The K-Swiss SuBIT 2012 presented by Century Tuna! Unlike the previous years, the girls will now mix it up with the boys on Sunday! Last day of early bird fee is this February 28!
SWIMBIKERUN.ph is a official media partner of the K-Swiss SuBIT 2012 presented by Century Tuna.
The K-Swiss SuBIT 2012 presented by Century Tuna, the longest running triathlon in the country, is on May 5-6 at Subic Bay Freeport. Final details are still being worked out but what we know are these:
The Mini-Sprint; Sprint; Junior Elites; Elites; U23; and Relay will be done on Sat, May 5.
Sun, May 6 is for all Age Group Standard Distance.
The swim will be either at Dungaree or All Hands Beach pending negotiations.
There will be 2 transitions and the Finish might be moved to the Canal Rd. area.
The entry form is now available on the TRAP website: www.triathlon.org.ph
Click on Events, then click on the SuBIT link, and then click the Registration tab.
In support of the Green Triathlon Initiative, the entry form is interactive. Please do not print it. Follow these instructions:
- Fill up the entry form
- Save it and name the file in this manner: Last Name-First Name SuBIT Entry
- Deposit payment at: BPI (T. Carrasco C/A No. 0081048363) or PNB (Triathlon Association of the Philippines, C/A No. 100233100013)
- Scan the deposit slip.
- Send the saved entry & deposit slip to Allan Carrasco (e-mail ad: [email protected]) or Fabie David ([email protected])
Deadline: Apr 20, 2012
The Race Info and Route Maps is also being finalized and will be out soon.
We would like to thank the following sponsors: K-SWISS, Century Tuna, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, Gatorade, SPEEDO, David’s Salon, Asian Center for Insulation, Phils.Elite & U23 – Male & Female
Junior Sprint – Male & Female
Adult Sprint – Male and Female
Male Age Groups: 17~19, 20~24, 25~29, 30~34, 35~39, 40~44, 45~49, 50~54, 55~59, 60& over
Female Age Groups: 17~24, 25~29, 30~34, 35~39, 40 & over
Interclub Competition
Relay Team Competition:
Mini Sprint (13~15) Boys and Girls (only)
Standard Distance: P4,500 until February 28; P5,000 (March 1-31); P6,000 (April 1-20) US$120 for foreign non-residents until March 31; US$150 from (April 1-20)
Sprint Distance : P3,100 until February 28; P3,600 (March 1-31); P4,600 (April 1-20)
Mini-Sprint : US$100 for foreigners until March 31; US$130 from April 1-20
Relay Team: 2 members-P7,000 until February 28; P8,000 (March 1-31); P10,000 (April 1-20) 3 members-P10,500 until February 28; P12,000 (March 1-31); P15,000 (April 1-20)
No student discounts for SuperTriKids (Mini-Sprint) participants.
10% discount for TRAP-registered athletes; 20% discount for students (except 13-15 Mini-Sprint) & senior citizens (only one type of discount applies)
(The link below may take time to load as it is a interactive registration system)
Needs to save money for next year.. i just can’t lol :/