SPOTTED | Cool Training and Racing Gear | Christmas Special

SPOTTED! We scoured the local shops and the world wide web in search of the latest and the coolest products! This December, have you been naughty or nice? If it’s the latter, reward yourself! We must admit, we get A LOT of items for review. Here are some that’s cool enough to make it on the list! We usually feature just 5 SPOTTED items per issue but hey, it’s Christmas! So in honor of the Christmas song, Twelve Days of Christmas, we’ll feature 12 SPOTTED items just for you guys!
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
TriSlide / TriSwim / Foggle
Made by SBR SPORTS Inc (not us!), we have a lot of reasons why we love this trio made by our namesake :
TriSlide = We’ve tested the TriSlide a couple of times during training rides and have been pretty pleased with the results. Just spray it and forget about it. TriSlide is a good anti chafing alternative if you’re like me who hates getting their hands sticky and gooey!
TriSwim = You name it, they made it! Chlorine be gone! Simply put, the TriSwim product line is the complete “after swimming” solution for every triathlete who swims in the pool a lot. Plus we love the citrus smell! We’ll be honest though, we still haven’t tried the body lotion. We prefer our skin super dry and dandy after swimming :)
Foggle = If your goggles fogs a lot (yes, we know spit works too but dang!), you might want to give Foggle a try. Available in small towelettes, just wipe a thin film and let it dry. We bet that you’ll be pretty amazed with the results! You can also re-use the towelettes for up to 5-6x as per the website, but you have to keep it in an airtight container. Ours lasted for 3 applications before we had to open another one. I also Foggle on my sunglasses and it works there as well!
The Price :
Check It Out :
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Simple Hydration Water Bottle
The design and concept of this water bottle is so simple (no pun intended) yet so unique, it’s now our favorite hydration bottle! We’re fine with hydration belts don’t get us wrong but sometimes, it’s a pain in the a*s to prepare especially if you’re doing a brick workout. Most of the time you just want to grab your bottle and run! The Simple Hydration Water Bottle’s unique design allows your hands to hold it comfortably. The curved wedge part on top also acts as stopper so that it wont slip if you put it inside your pocket or slide it inside your shorts. Here’s a cool thing about it, despite the odd shape and the small base, it stands even if it’s filled with water!
Check It Out :
On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Sony Xperia Acro S
If you’re a triathlete looking for the perfect phone, look no further, get the Sony Xperia Acro S! Let’s put it this way, we actually had a choice between an iPhone 5 and the Sony Xperia, and we chose the latter. We have absolutely zero regrets about our decision. I used this phone to document my entire New York City Marathon trip. I ran the entire de-facto NYC Marathon 42k with this tucked inside my tri shorts. It packs a mean 12mp camera plus the screen clarity is absolutely superb. HD baby! Oh, it’s waterproof too. ‘Nuff said.
The Price :
Php 20k ++
Check It Out :
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Beljum Budder
We got a couple of Beljum Budder anti chafing creams for review a couple of months back. It works just like any other anti chafing cream out there except that it leaves a cool, tingly, sensation after you rub it in. I don’t know if that’s a good thing for everyone but it certainly felt good! Another good thing about the Beljum Budder is that it’s very easy to wash off and doesn’t stick in the chamois. It can get pretty messy to apply though so you have to be careful.
Check It Out :
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Maxxis Radiale
We’ve been rolling with joy with these bad boys for a couple of months now. The Radiale’s corners well and rolls really smoothly. We’re just not comfortable with the recommended psi which is 130 psi (the max of the tire is 145 psi). Also, take note that these are race tires and so don’t expect them to last very long. However, they ride so nice, we do not care. A huge upgrade over the forum beloved Kenda Kalientes.
Check It Out :
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Already proven in the compression department, SLS3 is coming up with more colors and styles in their apparel line. We just can’t wait to get our hands on the new all white tri top and race shorts! Perfect for the blazing hot 2013 Philippine racing season!
Check It Out :
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Now, this is where mixing and water bottles gets interesting.The Spider Bottle provides a healthy way to mix protein drinks or any powdered drinks on the go. It has multi-level compartments wherein you can store your favorite recovery powder and mix it anytime, anywhere! It also has a provision for your pills and other multivitamins. No problem if you just want to fill it with water as you can easily remove any of the compartments and just carry what you need for the day.
The Price :
Depends on the model but the one that we tested (pictured above) retails for Php 990.
Check It Out :
On the eight day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
We’ll be honest. We’ve had our doubts with this product. However, during one training ride we forgot to bring our nutrition and decided to give Ultimate Replisher a go. Suffice to say, it powered us all throughout the training ride. It’s pretty light and easy on the stomach too. As we didn’t have breakfast before the training ride.
The Price :
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
The TIMEX Cycle Trainer is TIMEX’s first dibs in the super competitive cycling computer department. It’s no secret that the cycle trainer was created to go mano-y-mano with the other well known ant+ equipped cyclo computers out there. How does it compare with the other computers we’ll leave it up to you to decide as we’ve yet to test ours extensively. But from the looks alone, the TIMEX Cycle Trainer gets an automatic +1.
Check It Out :
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Fluid Recovery Drink was voted as the best sports/recovery drink of 2008 by the competitor group. Need I say more? Oh, we highly recommend the chocolate wave flavor!
Check It Out :
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Clif Shot Turbo
Hey, if it’s good enough for Macca, it’s good enough for us right? The Clif Shot Turbo is the nutrition choice of multiple Ironman World Champion Chris “Macca” McCormack. You can’t argue with success. The concentration may take a little getting used to as it’s a bit on the thicker side.
Check It Out :
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…
Enervon Activ
ENERVON Activ is a nutritional supplement designed to combat sports fatigue and scientifically formulated to BUILD STAMINA for sports-active people. It boosts one’s energy levels and strengthens body immunity to support an athlete’s training consistently. We’ve been using this extensively ever since we got our hands on it and so far so good! See our feature here.
That’s it! We hope you enjoyed our final SPOTTED salvo for 2012! Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas everyone!
Want your product on SPOTTED? Drop us a line! [email protected]