Yamaha Run for the Heroes 2011 Race Results and Review

It’s been awhile since I last joined a run road race “officially”. Given the insane registration fee’s of todays races, I usually just opt to run by myself :)

Sulit ba kamo? For the 750 registration fee it was worth every penny. The race never ran out of water and hydration. There were marshalls everywhere. Plus we got a nice Yamaha Bag too. Medals were promised but production got delayed so there were no medals handed out at the finish. The organized rectified this immediately though by handing out flyers with the reason why there were no medals so kudos to them for that one.

Was surprised too to receive another Yamaha Shirt after the race. Usually its just the race kit and that’s it.

Congratulations to YAMAHA and Kudos to Rio again for a job well done.

A lot of SBR forum members participated in the event. Pictures to be posted soon!

To the participants how was your race? What can you say about the YAMAHA RUN FOR THE HEROES 2011? Rate the race by using our ratings system above!

Wanna give your piece of mind? Write in our comments!

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Click Here to view the race results!

SBR.ph Team

A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

One Comment

  1. Positive:
    Race was well organized.

    No available finisher’s medal for 21K at after the race….blaming it to Typhoon Falcon.
    21K Finisher’s Shirt were all XL and XS. (Where they not aware who were running the 21K, they had it during their registrations)
    21K certificate states that the run was at MOA not BGC……hahaha

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