Ironman leg shaving for the big race is pretty much a tradition. What does it matter if it does nothing special as long as it looks cool.
For guys, shaving their legs for the big race has pretty well become an important part of Ironman race preparation. Its right up there with carbo loading and pre-race hydration.Pictures by – Prints & Posters!
Actually, more to the point, its become a tradition and the mark of a real honest to God triathlete who has truly arrived. Well, at least in the minds of some. Ironman leg shaving is here to stay as far as I’m concerned.
Poster depicting old-fashioned shaving gear.
I doubt if all novice ironmen actually realize why leg-shaving takes place and why the heck they’re putting themselves through it in the first place, but there is at least one good practical reason why your should do it.
At least in the beginning there was one and only one logical reason to shave your legs for an Ironman. It all started with cyclists who shave their legs all the time in the event they have one of those nasty crashes where exposed skin meets the asphalt highway.
It’s far easier to clean and treat road-rash if the blood and dirt isn’t dried and matted into your hair. Actually, it works.
I’ve crashed a few times and its surprising just how much faster these abrasions actually heal when the affected area is smooth and easy to treat. Plus, pulling off a band-aid becomes virtually painless. So yes, ironman leg shaving can be helpful.
I came to realize early in my career that there’s also another very good time to shave not just your legs, but your arms and chest and stomach as well.
It was my very first Ironman in Hawaii in 1984 when I ran into this guy who had been a competitive swimmer for years. He talked about four of us into shaving all our body hair off.
Several runners legs from the waist down.
He actually arranged for a hair salon in Kona to shave us all after they closed for the day.(all it costs was three bottles of wine).
Then he insisted that we go back to our rooms and use a razor and shave with it as well in order to take off that final layer. This in effect was taking all the hair stubble off and leaving a completely smooth surface.
He said it was extremely important that this be done the eve of the race, not before. This, he said, was something competitive swimmers did all the time. He already knew more about ironman leg shaving than all of us put together and none of us had ever been in an Ironman.
Well, I couldn’t believe it when the gun went off and I hit the water race morning. I had never experienced a feeling like it. I literally glided through the water.
cartoon image of cyclist getting his legs shaved.
It was like all resistance was gone and it suddenly seemed effortless to propel myself forward. In that moment it became abundantly clear to me why fish don’t have hair.
You virtually ‘slide’ through the water. After all that training, it was such a bonus to have this extra advantage on race morning.
I highly recommend ironman leg shaving, but of course if you are wearing a wetsuit all bets are off. It has to be a “no wetsuit” swim.
As stated earlier, the only real reason to shave your legs otherwise, is to make cleaning abrasions easier in case of a bike crash.
Also, I have learned that you will get a far better and more effective massage if you shave your legs. Just for that reason alone, it might be well worth it.
There are those who honestly believe shaving their legs makes them bike faster, but that’s a stretch. But hey, if it makes you feel faster, go for it. Actually, I’ve tried Ironman Canada with and without shaving and really, I don’t believe bike times are any faster and any speed advantage is in ones head.
So, should you shave your legs before that first Ironman? Sure, why not. If it makes you feel more like an Ironman then of course you should. That’s if you don’t mind taking the time and putting up with that itching when the hair starts to grow back.
Should you shave completely(not your head, by the way) for a no wetsuit swim? Without a doubt, YES. Its an advantage.
I hope this clears up the mystery of leg-shaving for some.
Source: Ironstruck
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