Maximize Speed with Proven Treadmill Workouts: A Triathlete’s Guide
Unlock Athletic Potential with Structured Treadmill Training

How would you like to enhance your athletic speed with a simple yet effective workout? This is not about receiving tangible gifts like money or vacations, but about gaining invaluable athletic ability.
Most likely that after just one session of the workout described below, you will experience noticeable improvements in speed with less effort. This workout is designed to stimulate your neuromuscular system, offering more than typical running exercises.
Step-by-Step Treadmill Workout for Triathletes:
- Warm-Up:
- Duration: 10 to 20 minutes.
- Start with a speed that keeps you in Zone 1, a very easy, recovery-type pace, for 5 to 10 minutes, at 0% incline.
- Treadmill Intervals:
- Gradually increase your speed to comfortably run in Zone 2 (faster than Zone 1, but still conversational and aerobic) for 5 to 10 minutes before starting the intervals.
- Example: If your Zone 2 speed is 6.5 mph, perform three to six repeats at this speed on a 7.5% incline, each for 20 seconds.
- Rest Intervals:
- After each run, get off the treadmill, walk around, and stretch for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Ensure safety while mounting and dismounting the treadmill.
- Increased Incline Intervals:
- After completing sets at 7.5% incline, increase the incline to 10% and then 12.5%, running 3-6 and 2-4 repetitions respectively for 20 seconds each.
- Final Interval:
- Perform the final run at 0% incline, increasing your speed by a full 1.0 mph more than your starting Zone 2 speed. Continue until your heart rate reaches the high end of Zone 3 or the low end of lactate threshold.
- Cool Down:
- Conclude with a 5 to 10-minute walk, followed by stretching.
This structured approach is not just about increasing speed; it’s about enhancing your overall running efficiency and form, vital for triathletes looking to excel in their sport.
Remember, consistency is key in seeing long-term improvements. Integrate this workout into your regular training schedule, and you’re bound to witness significant gains in your running speed and endurance.