Free Intermediate Olympic Distance Triathlon Training Program Plan

Intermediate Olympic Distance Triathlon Training Program: A 12-Week Guide to Optimize Performance

Embark on a 12-week journey tailored to elevate your performance in the Olympic Distance Triathlon. This program suits those with a solid fitness base or moving up from shorter triathlon distances, aiming to refine endurance, strength, and technique for a 1.5km swim, 40km bike, and 10km run.

Program Overview

Built on a foundation of proven training strategies, this program meticulously structures each phase to enhance your athletic capabilities, ensuring a holistic preparation.

Training Phases

  1. Base Phase: Establish endurance and technique, with a focus on consistent, moderate-intensity sessions that reinforce aerobic stability and skill proficiency.
  2. Build Phase: Intensify the regimen with varied endurance and speed drills, aimed at augmenting cardiovascular resilience and muscular fortitude.
  3. Peak Phase: Mirror race-day intensity, emphasizing high-octane sessions to acclimate your body and mind to forthcoming exertions.
  4. Taper Phase: Prioritize recovery and finesse your skills, tapering off the intensity to arrive at the start line rested, yet primed for peak performance.

Effort Levels Explained

The program navigates through ‘Easy,’ ‘Moderate,’ and ‘Hard’ effort levels:

  • Easy: Maintain a conversation easily.
  • Moderate: Talking gets harder; you’re putting in a decent effort.
  • Hard: Conversation is a struggle; you’re pushing your boundaries.

Workout Components

  • Swim: Begin with moderate swim drills, focusing on stroke refinement and endurance. Progress to intensive swim sets to ready you for the open water.
  • Bike: Combine steady rides with interval training, building endurance for sustained cycling and sprint capacity for challenging sections.
  • Run: Start with time-focused runs to build base endurance, then introduce structured speedwork to enhance your transition strength and finishing kick.

Personalized, Technique-Driven Method

Distinctive in its approach, this program doesn’t solely chase pace. It prioritizes your unique technique and biomechanical efficiency, ensuring each workout maximizes your performance potential.

Embark on this program to not only prepare for race day but to transform your triathlon journey with structured, science-backed, and technique-driven training.

Week 1: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

This week marks the commencement of a 12-week program tailored to build a robust foundation for intermediate athletes, focusing on endurance, technique refinement, and establishing a consistent training routine.

Monday – Swim: Endurance and Technique

Warm-Up: 300m easy swim, mix of strokes
Main Set: 6 x 100m at moderate pace with 15 seconds rest, emphasizing form
Cool Down: 200m easy swim, focus on long glides

Technique Focus: Hand entry and catch phase efficiency
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder stretches and band pull-aparts for scapular mobility
Nutritional Tip: Prioritize protein intake post-workout for muscle recovery

Tuesday – Bike: Base Building

Duration: 1 hour at a steady, comfortable pace, aim for 85-90 RPM
Main Set: Include 3 x 5 minutes at a slightly higher intensity with 5 minutes easy pedaling recovery
Cool Down: 5 minutes easy spinning

Technique Focus: Smooth pedal stroke and consistent body positioning
Mobility Exercise: Hip flexor stretches and calf raises to promote lower body flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate complex carbs to fuel longer training sessions

Wednesday – Run: Tempo Intervals

Warm-Up: 10 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 4 x 5 minutes at tempo pace with 3 minutes easy jog for recovery
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy jog

Technique Focus: Rhythmic breathing and midfoot strike
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg stretches and foam rolling for IT band
Nutritional Tip: Stay hydrated; small, regular sips of water or electrolyte drink

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning

Main Set: Bodyweight exercises including squats, lunges, push-ups, and core work
Duration: 40 minutes, focusing on form and muscle engagement
Cool Down: Core-focused stretches and relaxation

Technique Focus: Core stability and muscular endurance
Mobility Exercise: Planks and bird-dogs for core stability
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with lean protein, healthy fats, and vegetables

Friday – Swim: Speed Work

Warm-Up: 200m mixed strokes
Main Set: 8 x 50m fast with 20 seconds rest, aim to maintain pace throughout
Cool Down: 200m easy swim focusing on breathing

Technique Focus: Quick turns and powerful push-offs
Mobility Exercise: Ankle flexibility exercises and gentle stretches
Nutritional Tip: Carbs and protein for recovery, avoid heavy meals before swimming

Saturday – Bike: Endurance Ride with Cadence Work

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes, start at an easy pace, building to a moderate effort
Main Set: Integrate 6 x 3 minutes high cadence spinning at 100 RPM with 3 minutes normal cadence
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy spinning

Technique Focus: Aerodynamic position and smooth gear transitions
Mobility Exercise: Lower back stretches and piriformis stretches
Nutritional Tip: Mid-ride nutrition, experiment with gels or bars for race day

Sunday – Run: Long Steady Distance

Duration: 1 hour at a steady, conversational pace
Purpose: Build aerobic endurance
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking and light stretching

Technique Focus: Consistent pace and relaxed upper body
Mobility Exercise: Calf stretches and hip circles
Nutritional Tip: Post-run meal with a mix of carbs, protein, and electrolytes for recovery

Week 1 Summary:

This first week sets the stage for the intermediate athlete with a balanced mix of endurance, strength, and technique-focused sessions. The program progressively builds intensity while ensuring adequate recovery. Each session is designed to enhance specific aspects of triathlon performance, from swimming mechanics to running efficiency, accompanied by tailored nutrition tips to support the training demands

Week 2: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Training in Week 2 escalates slightly to enhance aerobic capacity and muscular endurance, with continued focus on form and efficiency across all disciplines.

Monday – Swim: Endurance with Drills

Warm-Up: 400m easy swim, incorporating different strokes
Main Set: 5 x 200m with 20 seconds rest, every 4th length drill work (fist drill, catch-up)
Cool Down: 300m focusing on exhaling underwater and relaxation

Technique Focus: Streamline position and efficient kick
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and thoracic spine stretches
Nutritional Tip: Intake of omega-3 rich foods post-session to aid in inflammation reduction

Tuesday – Bike: Strength and Cadence

Duration: 1 hour, alternating gear resistance
Main Set: 4 x 8 minutes with 2 minutes at high resistance/low cadence (60 RPM), followed by 2 minutes at low resistance/high cadence (100 RPM)
Cool Down: 10 minutes of easy spinning

Technique Focus: Pedaling efficiency and smooth transitions between cadences
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings and quad stretches
Nutritional Tip: Electrolyte balance, particularly potassium-rich foods to prevent cramping

Wednesday – Run: Hill Repeats

Warm-Up: 15 minutes easy jog with dynamic stretching
Main Set: 6 x 3 minutes uphill effort, jog back recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy jog

Technique Focus: Strong arm drive and maintaining posture on inclines
Mobility Exercise: Glute and hamstring stretches
Nutritional Tip: Hydration focus, particularly if training in warmer conditions

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Circuit

Main Set: Three rounds of planks, side planks, Russian twists, push-ups, and lunges, 45 seconds each exercise with minimal rest
Duration: 45 minutes, maintaining form throughout
Cool Down: Full body stretching, emphasizing on active recovery

Technique Focus: Core control and full range of motion
Mobility Exercise: Yoga poses targeting full body flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Protein and complex carbohydrates for muscle repair and energy replenishment

Friday – Swim: Speed Sets

Warm-Up: 300m easy, focus on relaxed breathing
Main Set: 10 x 50m sprints with 30 seconds rest, consistent effort
Cool Down: 200m easy, concentrating on a calm and rhythmic stroke

Technique Focus: Acceleration through the pull phase and quick flip turns
Mobility Exercise: Wrist flexor and extensor stretches
Nutritional Tip: Quick-absorbing carbohydrates within 30 minutes post-workout for glycogen replenishment

Saturday – Bike: Long Steady Distance with Cadence Variations

Duration: 2 hours, building from easy to steady-state effort
Main Set: Integrate 5 x 10 minutes blocks with 5 minutes at 95 RPM, 5 minutes at 85 RPM within the ride
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy spinning

Technique Focus: Aerodynamic efficiency and consistent energy output
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling for quads and IT band
Nutritional Tip: Mid-ride nutrition practice, trial of energy gels or bars

Sunday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 1 hour at a moderate effort, focus on 90 RPM
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, maintain a solid effort throughout
Purpose: Simulate race day transitions and build endurance

Technique Focus: Quick transition from cycling to running legs
Mobility Exercise: Post-brick workout stretches, targeting calves and lower back
Nutritional Tip: Recovery nutrition, balanced intake of protein and carbohydrates post-workout

Week 2 Summary:

The second week of this intermediate training program scales up the intensity and volume slightly, reinforcing the athlete’s base phase with strategic workouts that challenge both aerobic and muscular systems. The inclusion of specific drills, strength work, and nutrition tips ensures a holistic approach to training that addresses performance, recovery, and energy management.

Week 3: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

This week’s training progresses with an emphasis on sustainable speed and endurance, critical for the build phase of the program.

Monday – Swim: Technique and Endurance

Warm-Up: 300m mixing strokes
Main Set: 6 x 150m at a steady pace, 20 seconds rest, focus on bilateral breathing
Cool Down: 200m, paying attention to smooth, long strokes

Technique Focus: Consistency in stroke rate and breathing technique
Mobility Exercise: Latissimus dorsi and shoulder stretches
Nutritional Tip: Incorporation of electrolyte-rich fluids to support hydration

Tuesday – Bike: Tempo Intervals

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes, with a structured approach
Main Set: 3 x 10 minutes at tempo pace, 80-85 RPM, with 5 minutes recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes of relaxed pedaling

Technique Focus: Maintaining steady effort during tempo intervals
Mobility Exercise: Lower back and hip flexor stretches
Nutritional Tip: Post-workout, a mix of protein and carbs to aid recovery

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Warm-Up: 10 minutes of easy jogging
Main Set: 35 minutes of random speed play, incorporating bursts of speed with jogging recoveries
Cool Down: 10 minutes of easy jogging

Technique Focus: Transitioning smoothly between different paces
Mobility Exercise: Calf and ankle stretches
Nutritional Tip: A small, easily digestible snack pre-workout for sustained energy

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Bodyweight Focus

Main Set: Four rounds of bodyweight exercises including pull-ups, dips, squats, and planks, 1 minute per exercise
Duration: 40 minutes, focusing on form and muscle engagement
Cool Down: Gentle stretching routine

Technique Focus: Core stability and muscle activation
Mobility Exercise: Pilates-inspired core exercises for flexibility and strength
Nutritional Tip: Lean proteins to support muscle repair and growth

Friday – Swim: Speed Play

Warm-Up: 400m easy swim, focus on form
Main Set: 12 x 50m fast/easy by 25m with 15 seconds rest, emphasizing on the fast sections
Cool Down: 250m easy, concentrate on relaxing the body

Technique Focus: Quick turnover and explosive starts
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching to maintain flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate replenishment to restore energy levels

Saturday – Bike: Long Steady Ride with Cadence Work

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes, steady endurance pace
Main Set: During the ride, include 4 x 15 minutes at 90 RPM to simulate race pace
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy spinning

Technique Focus: Consistent effort and aero positioning
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling focusing on the legs
Nutritional Tip: Mid-ride nutrition testing to refine race-day strategy

Sunday – Run: Long Endurance

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes, maintain a comfortable pace
Technique Focus: Rhythmic breathing and maintaining form
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking, followed by stretching

Technique Focus: Proper foot strike and relaxed upper body
Mobility Exercise: Deep stretch routine for hip flexors, hamstrings, and glutes
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with a higher glycemic index for quick energy restoration

Week 3 Summary:

In the third week, the training intensifies within the build phase, pushing the envelope on both speed and endurance. Key sessions include technique-focused swims, tempo bike intervals, and a longer steady run, all designed to advance the intermediate athlete’s capacity in each discipline while also focusing on recovery and nutrition to support the increased demands.

Week 4: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

This week incorporates intensified sessions, with a focus on enhancing aerobic capacity and muscular endurance, pertinent for the mid-build phase.

Monday – Swim: Intervals and Pull

Warm-Up: 200m easy, mixing strokes
Main Set: 8 x 100m on 15 seconds rest, every second 100m with a pull buoy
Cool Down: 200m, focusing on even strokes

Technique Focus: Effective pull under water
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and stretch
Nutritional Tip: Increase omega-3 intake for joint health and recovery

Tuesday – Bike: Hill Repeats

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes, with incline variations
Main Set: 6 x 5 minutes uphill efforts at a moderate pace, around 70-75 RPM, with descent as recovery
Cool Down: 20 minutes of easy pedaling

Technique Focus: Strong, seated climbs maintaining steady power output
Mobility Exercise: Quadriceps and hamstring stretches
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrates and proteins in a 3:1 ratio within 30 minutes post-workout

Wednesday – Run: Tempo Efforts

Warm-Up: 15 minutes building to a moderate pace
Main Set: 2 x 15 minutes at tempo pace with 5 minutes easy jog between
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy jogging

Technique Focus: Consistent pace and effort on tempo runs
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with an electrolyte solution post-workout

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Core and Stability

Main Set: Circuit of planks, side planks, bird dogs, and Russian twists, 45 seconds per exercise, 3 rounds
Duration: 45 minutes with emphasis on control and stability
Cool Down: Stretching focusing on the core and back

Technique Focus: Core engagement and balance
Mobility Exercise: Yoga poses targeting core and spine flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Lean proteins and complex carbs for muscle repair and energy

Friday – Swim: Endurance and Drills

Warm-Up: 400m combining strokes
Main Set: 4 x 300m with every 4th lap drill work, 30 seconds rest between sets
Cool Down: 200m focusing on form and relaxation

Technique Focus: Drill integration for stroke improvement
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching, emphasizing on the torso
Nutritional Tip: Balanced intake of macros, with a slight increase in proteins

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes with varied pace, including 4 x 10 minutes at race pace, 85-90 RPM
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, finding race pace quickly
Cool Down: Gentle cycling or walking for 10 minutes

Technique Focus: Smooth transition from bike to run
Mobility Exercise: Calf stretches and lower limb mobilization
Nutritional Tip: Immediate replenishment with a protein shake or a recovery drink

Sunday – Run: Long Steady Pace

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes at a comfortable yet challenging pace
Technique Focus: Endurance maintenance and efficient energy use
Cool Down: 20 minutes of walking and stretching

Technique Focus: Pacing strategy and mental resilience
Mobility Exercise: Deep tissue massage or foam rolling
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index to aid long-term recovery

Week 4 Summary:

During this week, the intensity and specificity of the training increase, aligning with the intermediate athlete’s progression through the build phase. Key sessions focus on interval training in the pool, strength on the bike, and maintaining tempo on the run, alongside a brick workout to simulate race conditions. Nutrition and recovery strategies are tailored to support the elevated training load and optimize adaptations.

Week 5: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Continuing the build phase, this week emphasizes consolidating endurance and introducing more intensity to the regimen.

Monday – Swim: Speed Focus

Warm-Up: 300m mixed strokes
Main Set: 10 x 50m at high intensity on 20 seconds rest, 400m at steady pace
Cool Down: 200m focusing on relaxed breathing

Technique Focus: Quick arm turnover during sprints
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder and chest stretches
Nutritional Tip: Snack on fruits for a quick energy boost post-workout

Tuesday – Bike: Sustained Effort

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes with steady effort
Main Set: 3 x 15 minutes at threshold effort, 80-85 RPM, with 5 minutes recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy spin

Technique Focus: Consistent power output during threshold efforts
Mobility Exercise: Lower back and hip flexor stretches
Nutritional Tip: Integrate complex carbs and proteins for recovery

Wednesday – Run: Hill Training

Warm-Up: 15 minutes progressive build-up
Main Set: 6 x 3 minutes uphill at hard effort with jog back recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy pace

Technique Focus: Uphill running form, driving knees and arms
Mobility Exercise: Achilles and calf stretching
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with electrolytes to replenish lost salts

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Functional Circuit

Main Set: Circuit including push-ups, lunges, squats, and planks, 3 sets of 12 reps
Duration: 45 minutes focusing on technique
Cool Down: Stretching major muscle groups

Technique Focus: Alignment and muscle engagement
Mobility Exercise: Full body stretching routine
Nutritional Tip: Lean protein sources to aid muscle synthesis

Friday – Swim: Technique and Endurance

Warm-Up: 200m easy, focusing on form
Main Set: 5 x 200m with each 50m emphasizing a different technical aspect, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m easy, mixed strokes

Technique Focus: Stroke refinement and efficiency
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching, focus on hip mobility
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with carbs, protein, and fats for recovery

Saturday – Bike: Long Steady Distance

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes consistent effort
Main Set: Including 5 x 10 minutes at slightly above race pace, 90 RPM, with 5 minutes easy
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy cycling

Technique Focus: Aerobic endurance and rhythm
Mobility Exercise: Leg stretches, focus on hamstring flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Carb-rich meals to replenish glycogen stores

Sunday – Run: Progressive Long Run

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes, last 30 minutes at race pace
Cool Down: 15 minutes walking, gradual decrease in heart rate

Technique Focus: Pacing and energy distribution
Mobility Exercise: Deep tissue work on leg muscles
Nutritional Tip: Post-run meal with high glycemic index carbs for quick recovery

Week 5 Summary:

This week, the training schedule introduces more challenging sets with a focus on speed in the swim, sustained efforts on the bike, and hill training for the run. The week culminates with a longer bike ride to bolster endurance and a progressive long run to fine-tune pacing strategies. Nutrition and mobility remain a priority, ensuring the athlete’s recovery and preparation for the subsequent training load.

Week 6: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

This week’s program continues to build on the principles of progressive overload and specificity while maintaining an emphasis on technique.

Monday – Swim: Endurance and Technique

Warm-Up: 400m at a comfortable pace, mixing strokes
Main Set: 8 x 100m at moderate pace, focusing on form, 20 seconds rest between sets
Cool Down: 300m easy swim with focus on long glides

Technique Focus: Hand entry and pull through in the water
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and stretch
Nutritional Tip: Include omega-3 fatty acids post-workout for anti-inflammatory benefits

Tuesday – Bike: Tempo Intervals

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Main Set: 4 x 10 minutes at challenging yet sustainable effort, 85-90 RPM, with 5 minutes recovery spin
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy cycling

Technique Focus: Smooth pedal strokes and maintaining aero position
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling for quads and glutes
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate intake during workout to maintain energy levels

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Warm-Up: 20 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 30 minutes where 1 minute fast pace is followed by 2 minutes easy jog
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy pace

Technique Focus: Transitioning between paces smoothly
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings and stretches
Nutritional Tip: Balanced protein and carb intake to support muscle recovery

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Body Weight Circuit

Main Set: Perform planks, side planks, bird-dogs, and dead bugs; 3 sets of 45 seconds each
Duration: 40 minutes
Cool Down: Stretching focusing on core and lower back

Technique Focus: Core stability and muscular endurance
Mobility Exercise: Pilates-inspired core exercises for mobility
Nutritional Tip: Lean protein to support muscle repair and growth

Friday – Swim: Mixed Pace Sets

Warm-Up: 200m easy swim, focusing on breathing
Main Set: 10 x 50m at varying paces; alternate between sprint and moderate every 50m, 15 seconds rest
Cool Down: 250m easy, focusing on breathing and form

Technique Focus: Breathing technique and transitions between paces
Mobility Exercise: Stretching for the lower back and hips
Nutritional Tip: Hydrate well post-swim; water or an electrolyte drink

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes at a steady state, 85 RPM
Run Duration: 45 minutes at a comfortable pace, focusing on quick cadence
Cool Down: 15 minutes stretching both cycling and running muscles

Technique Focus: Efficient transition from bike to run
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretches with an emphasis on hip flexors
Nutritional Tip: Quick-absorbing carbs and protein within 30 minutes post-workout

Sunday – Run: Long Steady Run

Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes at a consistent, moderate effort
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking, easing the heart rate down

Technique Focus: Consistent pace and efficient form
Mobility Exercise: Deep stretch focusing on legs and lower back
Nutritional Tip: Recovery meal with a good mix of carbs, protein, and healthy fats

Week 6 Summary:

The athlete will engage in a variety of workouts aimed at enhancing endurance, speed, and efficient transitions, critical for Olympic distance triathlon. This week includes specific sets in swimming to work on technique, tempo intervals on the bike for leg strength, and a fartlek run to improve pace adaptability. A brick workout is crucial for practicing race day transitions. Consistent strength and conditioning will support the increased training demands, while strategic nutrition ensures ongoing recovery and energy maintenance.

Week 7: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Monday – Swim: Speed and Drill Focus

Warm-Up: 300m easy, focusing on form
Main Set: 12 x 50m at high intensity, 20 seconds rest; every fourth 50m is drill-focused
Cool Down: 200m with focus on relaxed, full stroke

Technique Focus: High elbow catch and bilateral breathing
Mobility Exercise: Latissimus dorsi and tricep stretches
Nutritional Tip: Replenish with a carbohydrate-rich snack post-training

Tuesday – Bike: Hill Repeats

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes
Main Set: 6 x 5 minutes hill repeats with high resistance, 80-85 RPM, 5 minutes easy spin between
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy cycling

Technique Focus: Consistent power output on climbs
Mobility Exercise: Calf and hamstring stretches
Nutritional Tip: Electrolyte balance, especially sodium, during intense sessions

Wednesday – Run: Threshold Intervals

Warm-Up: 15 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 5 x 8 minutes at threshold pace with 2 minutes recovery jog
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy pace

Technique Focus: Midfoot strike and upright posture
Mobility Exercise: Achilles and glute stretches
Nutritional Tip: Post-run protein and carbohydrate for recovery

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Core and Stability

Main Set: Two circuits: 1. Plank variations; 2. Single-leg exercises for balance and stability
Duration: 45 minutes
Cool Down: Stretching focusing on core and stability muscles

Technique Focus: Body alignment and core engagement
Mobility Exercise: Pilates-inspired movements for core strength
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like berries and leafy greens

Friday – Swim: Endurance Set

Warm-Up: 200m easy, focus on stretching out the stroke
Main Set: 3 x 400m at a steady pace, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m easy, focus on form

Technique Focus: Efficient turnover and streamlined position
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching with a focus on hip flexors
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with a focus on fluids that provide energy

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 2 hours, including 6 x 3 minutes moderate pace, 85-90 RPM, with recovery
Run Duration: 50 minutes steady run off the bike, focusing on maintaining rhythm
Cool Down: Stretching transition muscles, particularly calves and quads

Technique Focus: Rapid transition and pace adaptation
Mobility Exercise: Yoga sequence for multi-sport athletes
Nutritional Tip: Immediate carb intake to replenish glycogen stores

Sunday – Run: Progressive Long Run

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes, start easy, gradually increasing to a strong finish
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking, heart rate reduction

Technique Focus: Pacing and endurance
Mobility Exercise: Deep tissue work on the lower body
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with emphasis on complex carbohydrates

Week 7 Summary:

The seventh week intensifies with speed work in swimming and threshold intervals in running to enhance aerobic capacity. Hill repeats on the bike will build strength and power in the legs. A core and stability session ensures the body can handle the increased load. The brick workout emphasizes efficient transitions and pacing. This week’s training closes with a progressive long run, developing both aerobic endurance and mental resilience. Nutrition and mobility exercises support recovery and maintain athlete health.

Week 8: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Monday – Swim: Mixed Pace

Warm-Up: 400m alternating freestyle and choice drill every 50m
Main Set: 8 x 100m starting at moderate pace, increase intensity every 2 reps, 15 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m choice stroke, focus on relaxation

Technique Focus: Transition from moderate to race pace
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and scapular retraction exercises
Nutritional Tip: Intake of omega-3 fatty acids for joint health

Tuesday – Bike: Tempo Intervals

Duration: 2 hours
Main Set: 4 x 10 minutes at tempo effort, 90-95 RPM, 5 minutes easy cycling in between
Cool Down: 20 minutes at an easy pace

Technique Focus: Smooth and controlled power output
Mobility Exercise: Hip flexor and quad stretches
Nutritional Tip: Mid-session energy gel or chew with electrolytes

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Warm-Up: 10 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 45 minutes of unstructured pace changes, from easy to hard efforts
Cool Down: 15 minutes at an easy pace

Technique Focus: Reactivity and pace change efficiency
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings and ankle circles
Nutritional Tip: Quick carbs and protein recovery within 30 minutes post-workout

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Circuit Training

Main Set: Three rounds of a bodyweight circuit including push-ups, lunges, squats, and core work
Duration: 1 hour
Cool Down: Full-body stretching, emphasis on dynamic movements

Technique Focus: Movement control and muscle engagement
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling targeting key muscle groups
Nutritional Tip: Lean proteins and complex carbs to repair and fuel muscles

Friday – Swim: Endurance Focus

Warm-Up: 300m easy swim with mixed strokes
Main Set: 2 x 800m with the first 400m moderate, second 400m slightly faster, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m easy, incorporating backstroke to release shoulder tension

Technique Focus: Consistent stroke rate and efficient breathing
Mobility Exercise: Stretching routine for swimmers focusing on flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate drink to maintain energy levels throughout the session

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes with 3 x 15 minutes at race pace, 85-90 RPM, rest 5 minutes between
Run Duration: 30 minutes steady pace off the bike
Cool Down: Gentle stretching focusing on transition muscle groups

Technique Focus: Smooth transition from cycling to running mechanics
Mobility Exercise: Lower back and hip stretches to ease the transition tension
Nutritional Tip: Post-workout meal with balanced macronutrients for recovery

Sunday – Long Run: Aerobic Endurance

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes continuous run at a sustainable effort
Cool Down: 15 minutes walk plus mobility work

Technique Focus: Rhythmic breathing and steady cadence
Mobility Exercise: PNF stretching for improving range of motion
Nutritional Tip: Long-chain carbohydrates during the run to maintain energy levels

Week 8 Summary:

This week features mixed pace swimming to hone pace transitions, tempo efforts on the bike to develop sustainable power, and fartlek running to improve dynamic pace adaptation. Strength and conditioning are oriented towards full-body circuit training, supporting overall triathlon performance. The brick workout focuses on race pace simulation and efficient transitions. The week culminates with a focus on aerobic endurance through a longer run, ensuring the athlete’s stamina and resilience continue to build as the program progresses towards peak phase. Nutrition and mobility are tailored to support intense workouts and enhance recovery.

Week 9: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Monday – Swim: Technique and Speed

Warm-Up: 300m easy swim, focus on form
Main Set: 10 x 50m at high-intensity pace, 20 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m with pull buoy, focus on upper body technique

Technique Focus: High elbow catch in freestyle
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder stretches and rotator cuff exercises
Nutritional Tip: Protein-rich snack post-training for muscle recovery

Tuesday – Bike: Hill Repeats

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Main Set: 6 x 5 minutes hill repeats at hard effort, 85-90 RPM, 5 minutes easy cycling downhill recovery
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy cycling on flat terrain

Technique Focus: Consistent power application during climbs
Mobility Exercise: Calf and hamstring stretches post-cycling
Nutritional Tip: Electrolyte hydration to replenish minerals lost through sweat

Wednesday – Run: Threshold Intervals

Warm-Up: 15 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 4 x 10 minutes at threshold pace, 3 minutes walking rest
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy jog

Technique Focus: Midfoot strike and maintaining form under fatigue
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic stretching focusing on hip flexors and glutes
Nutritional Tip: Carb intake during the run to maintain high-intensity efforts

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Core Focus

Main Set: 45 minutes of core-strengthening exercises including planks, side planks, bird dogs, and Russian twists
Cool Down: Stretching focusing on the lower back and abdominal loosening

Technique Focus: Core stability and control
Mobility Exercise: Pilates-inspired movements for deep core activation
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with a focus on antioxidants for recovery

Friday – Swim: Endurance and Technique

Warm-Up: 400m alternating freestyle and backstroke every 50m
Main Set: 4 x 400m with the first 100m drill focus, remaining 300m swim at a moderate pace, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m choice of stroke, relaxed pace

Technique Focus: Efficient breathing and bilateral breath practice
Mobility Exercise: Full body stretching with emphasis on torso and shoulders
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with a mix of carbohydrates and electrolytes

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 2 hours with last 30 minutes at race pace, 90-95 RPM
Run Duration: 40 minutes with first 10 minutes at race pace
Cool Down: Gentle stretching focusing on quads and hamstrings

Technique Focus: Effective pacing from bike to run
Mobility Exercise: Active stretching to aid in the transition between sports
Nutritional Tip: Quick digesting carbs and proteins post-brick for recovery

Sunday – Long Run: Progressive Build

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes, start easy and build to moderate pace in the last 30 minutes
Cool Down: 15 minutes walk plus lower body stretching

Technique Focus: Steady cadence, increasing effort while maintaining form
Mobility Exercise: Yoga poses targeting flexibility and muscle relaxation
Nutritional Tip: Mid-run nutrition to simulate race day fueling strategy

Week 9 Summary:

Week 9 introduces high-intensity swim sprints to sharpen speed, challenging hill repeats on the bike for power, and threshold intervals in the run for pace management. The strength component is central to core engagement, vital for endurance and stability. The brick session extends the run duration post-bike, and the long run emphasizes a progressive build, key for race day endurance. Technique refinement, mobility work, and strategic nutrition are integral to support performance enhancements and recovery as the athlete approaches the peak phase.

Week 10: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Monday – Swim: Mixed Pace

Warm-Up: 300m, mixing breaststroke and freestyle every 50m
Main Set: 8 x 100m at varying paces, 15 seconds rest, focusing on transitioning between speeds
Cool Down: 200m easy backstroke, concentrating on form

Technique Focus: Smooth transitions between different swimming paces
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching with an emphasis on the core and shoulders
Nutritional Tip: Post-swim meal with a balance of protein and carbs for recovery

Tuesday – Bike: Tempo Efforts

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes
Main Set: 3 x 20 minutes at tempo effort, 85-90 RPM, with 10 minutes easy cycling recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy pedaling

Technique Focus: Sustained power output at tempo pace
Mobility Exercise: Lower back and hip flexor stretches post-ride
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with electrolytes to replenish lost salts

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Warm-Up: 20 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 35 minutes of fartlek, alternating between 3 minutes hard and 2 minutes easy
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy jog

Technique Focus: Running efficiency at varying speeds
Mobility Exercise: Leg swings and dynamic lower body stretches
Nutritional Tip: Mid-run nutrition experimentation for race day

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Functional Fitness

Main Set: 50 minutes of functional fitness exercises, including bodyweight squats, lunges, push-ups, and core work
Cool Down: Stretching, focusing on dynamic flexibility

Technique Focus: Full-body strength with an emphasis on triathlon-specific muscle groups
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling for myofascial release
Nutritional Tip: Recovery smoothie with protein, greens, and a fruit base

Friday – Swim: Endurance with Drills

Warm-Up: 400m easy swim with focus on long strokes
Main Set: 5 x 200m with 50m drill work every set, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m easy choice stroke

Technique Focus: Incorporating drill work into endurance sets for technique maintenance
Mobility Exercise: Stretching with a focus on the shoulders and chest
Nutritional Tip: Balanced hydration focusing on both fluids and electrolyte intake

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes, including 4 x 10 minutes at race pace, 95-100 RPM
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, steady pace
Cool Down: Gentle stretching, focusing on quick muscle recovery

Technique Focus: Transition efficiency and pacing from cycling to running
Mobility Exercise: Transition stretches targeting calf muscles and hip flexors
Nutritional Tip: Immediate post-workout nutrition, focusing on rapid absorption carbohydrates and protein

Sunday – Long Run: Steady State

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes at a steady, consistent pace
Cool Down: 20 minutes of walking, reducing heart rate gradually

Technique Focus: Consistency in pace and form, simulating race conditions
Mobility Exercise: Prolonged static stretching, emphasizing muscle relaxation
Nutritional Tip: Practice race nutrition strategy to refine fueling plan

Week 10 Summary:

Entering the latter stages of the training program, this week sharpens the athlete’s ability to handle pace changes in the swim and develops sustained power on the bike. Fartlek sessions introduce unpredictability in the run, improving speed adaptation. Strength and conditioning focus on functional fitness, vital for triathlon-specific muscular endurance. The brick workout enhances transition fluidity, with a steady-state long run to build foundational endurance. Technique, mobility, and nutrition remain integral, ensuring the athlete is well-rounded and prepared for the demands of race day.

Week 11: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon

Monday – Swim: Intervals with Pull Buoy

Warm-Up: 300m, alternating between freestyle and backstroke every 75m
Main Set: 10 x 100m freestyle with pull buoy, 20 seconds rest, focusing on upper body strength and propulsion
Cool Down: 200m easy swimming with focus on smooth, even strokes

Technique Focus: Upper body engagement and maintaining a strong, steady pull
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and stretches for enhanced upper body flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Snack rich in complex carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes post-training

Tuesday – Bike: Hill Repeats

Duration: 2 hours
Main Set: 6 x 5 minutes hill repeats with high resistance, 80-85 RPM, with 5 minutes of easy cycling downhill recovery
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy pedaling on a flat terrain

Technique Focus: Power output on climbs and pedal stroke efficiency
Mobility Exercise: Calf and hamstring stretches post-cycling
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate a mid-ride energy gel or chew to sustain effort during hill repeats

Wednesday – Run: Threshold Efforts

Warm-Up: 15 minutes easy jog
Main Set: 4 x 10 minutes at threshold pace with 3 minutes walk recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy jog to bring heart rate down

Technique Focus: Running at a controlled, hard effort while maintaining form
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic stretching focusing on hip flexors and quadriceps
Nutritional Tip: Hydration strategy to optimize fluid intake for prolonged efforts

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning: Circuit Training

Main Set: 3 rounds of circuit training including push-ups, planks, lunges, and bodyweight squats, each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest
Cool Down: 15 minutes of yoga for athletes, focusing on balance and core strength

Technique Focus: Core stability and muscle endurance
Mobility Exercise: Full-body yoga poses to enhance range of motion and flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with lean proteins and whole grains to support muscle recovery

Friday – Swim: Speed Play

Warm-Up: 400m mixing different strokes every 100m
Main Set: 20 x 50m fast/slow intervals, 10 seconds rest, focus on speed changes
Cool Down: 200m easy swim, concentrating on breathing and relaxation

Technique Focus: Speed variation and quick transitions between intensity levels
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching, prioritizing the lower back and legs
Nutritional Tip: Post-swim protein shake with a ratio of 3:1 carbs to protein

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes, steady state, 90-95 RPM
Run Duration: 40 minutes off the bike, maintaining race pace
Cool Down: Gentle stretching, targeting muscles used during cycling and running

Technique Focus: Smooth transitions between disciplines, maintaining cadence and heart rate
Mobility Exercise: Post-brick stretches focusing on the hamstrings, calves, and lower back
Nutritional Tip: Quick-digesting carbs and protein within 20 minutes of workout completion

Sunday – Long Run: Progressive Pace

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes, start at easy pace, increasing to race pace in the final third
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy walking to aid in recovery and reduce muscle stiffness

Technique Focus: Pacing strategy and endurance
Mobility Exercise: Static stretching focusing on the glutes, hamstrings, and ankles
Nutritional Tip: Experiment with different hydration and fuel options to finalize race day strategy

Week 11 Summary:

This penultimate week before tapering involves high-intensity intervals in swimming that focus on upper body strength, challenging hill repeats during cycling sessions for power, and threshold running efforts to enhance aerobic capacity. Strength conditioning emphasizes full-body circuit training for endurance. The week culminates with a brick workout fine-tuning the transition from bike to run, followed by a long run with a progressive pace to simulate race conditions. Each session integrates specific technique work, mobility exercises, and nutritional strategies to optimize performance leading into the taper phase.

Week 12: Intermediate Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Taper Week

Monday – Swim: Recovery and Technique

Warm-Up: 200m easy swim, mixing strokes
Main Set: 6 x 50m with focus on technique, 15 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m very easy swim, focusing on relaxation and form

Technique Focus: Stroke refinement and efficiency
Mobility Exercise: Gentle shoulder stretches and torso twists
Nutritional Tip: Light, easily digestible meals to start reducing load on the digestive system

Tuesday – Bike: Cadence and Recovery

Duration: 1 hour, alternating 5 minutes at 90 RPM, 5 minutes at 100 RPM
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy spinning

Technique Focus: Leg speed and pedal stroke smoothness
Mobility Exercise: Leg swings and quad stretches
Nutritional Tip: Hydration focus, including electrolyte replenishment

Wednesday – Run: Active Recovery

Duration: 40 minutes at a comfortable pace
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking and dynamic stretching

Technique Focus: Light footwork and maintaining an upright posture
Mobility Exercise: Ankle circles and calf stretches
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate-rich snacks to maintain energy levels

Thursday – Swim: Speed Sharpness

Warm-Up: 300m easy, focusing on breath control
Main Set: 8 x 25m sprints, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m very easy, concentrating on form

Technique Focus: Explosive starts and fast turnover
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching with an emphasis on the hips and lower back
Nutritional Tip: Pre-workout snack with a balance of carbs and protein for quick energy

Friday – Bike: Pre-Race Activation

Duration: 30 minutes, including 4 x 1-minute efforts at race pace, 90 RPM
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy cycling

Technique Focus: Sharpening race pace intensity and transitions
Mobility Exercise: Gentle full-body movements and light stretching
Nutritional Tip: Begin carb-loading if it fits your race strategy

Saturday – Brick Workout: Race Simulation

Bike Duration: 45 minutes, moderate effort, 85-90 RPM
Run Duration: 15 minutes off the bike at race pace
Cool Down: Full-body stretching, focusing on recovery

Technique Focus: Transition efficiency and pacing
Mobility Exercise: Yoga poses targeting balance and core stability
Nutritional Tip: Finalize your race day nutrition plan

Sunday – Race Day

Warm-Up: Brief, dynamic movements to elevate heart rate
Race: Execute your race plan, focusing on pacing, nutrition, and technique
Post-Race: Cool down, hydrate, and consume a recovery meal

Week 12 Summary:

In the final week leading to race day, the taper phase includes workouts designed to maintain sharpness while promoting recovery. Swimming sessions emphasize technique and short speed work. Cycling focuses on cadence variations and includes a short pre-race activation session. A final brick workout serves as a dress rehearsal for race day. Rest and recovery are prioritized, with mobility exercises to maintain flexibility. Nutrition strategies this week support performance and recovery, transitioning from light meals early in the week to a focus on hydration and carbohydrate intake closer to race day. The culmination of the program is the race, where the strategies practiced over the 12 weeks are executed.

Disclaimer for Training Programs on

The training programs provided on are designed to offer informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice or instruction. Before beginning any exercise regimen, especially one as intense as a triathlon training program, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified coach to ensure that it’s appropriate for your individual circumstances.


  1. Individual Variances: Everyone’s body reacts differently to training. What works for one person might not work for another. Always listen to your body and adjust training accordingly.
  2. Potential Risks: As with any physical activity, there’s a risk of injury. Ensure you’re executing exercises correctly and safely.
  3. Medical Concerns: If you have any medical conditions or health concerns, it’s essential to speak with a healthcare professional before starting.
  4. Nutrition and Hydration: Along with the physical workouts, proper nutrition and hydration are key. Consider consulting a nutritionist who can guide based on your training.

While the plans have been crafted considering general best practices in triathlon training, and its authors cannot be held liable for any injuries, health complications, or other adverse events that may occur as a result of following these programs. Always prioritize safety and seek expert advice when needed.


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A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

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