Free Advanced Olympic Distance Triathlon Training Program Plan

Advanced Olympic Distance Triathlon Training Program: A 12-Week Guide to Optimize Performance

Embark on a 12-week journey tailored to elevate your performance in the Olympic Distance Triathlon. This program suits those with a solid fitness base or moving up from shorter triathlon distances, aiming to refine endurance, strength, and technique for a 1.5km swim, 40km bike, and 10km run.

Program Overview

Built on a foundation of proven training strategies, this program meticulously structures each phase to enhance your athletic capabilities, ensuring a holistic preparation.

Training Phases

  1. Base Phase: Establish endurance and technique, with a focus on consistent, moderate-intensity sessions that reinforce aerobic stability and skill proficiency.
  2. Build Phase: Intensify the regimen with varied endurance and speed drills, aimed at augmenting cardiovascular resilience and muscular fortitude.
  3. Peak Phase: Mirror race-day intensity, emphasizing high-octane sessions to acclimate your body and mind to forthcoming exertions.
  4. Taper Phase: Prioritize recovery and finesse your skills, tapering off the intensity to arrive at the start line rested, yet primed for peak performance.

Effort Levels Explained

The program navigates through ‘Easy,’ ‘Moderate,’ and ‘Hard’ effort levels:

  • Easy: Maintain a conversation easily.
  • Moderate: Talking gets harder; you’re putting in a decent effort.
  • Hard: Conversation is a struggle; you’re pushing your boundaries.

Workout Components

  • Swim: Begin with moderate swim drills, focusing on stroke refinement and endurance. Progress to intensive swim sets to ready you for the open water.
  • Bike: Combine steady rides with interval training, building endurance for sustained cycling and sprint capacity for challenging sections.
  • Run: Start with time-focused runs to build base endurance, then introduce structured speedwork to enhance your transition strength and finishing kick.

Personalized, Technique-Driven Method

Distinctive in its approach, this program doesn’t solely chase pace. It prioritizes your unique technique and biomechanical efficiency, ensuring each workout maximizes your performance potential.

Embark on this program to not only prepare for race day but to transform your triathlon journey with structured, science-backed, and technique-driven training.

Week 1: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Base Phase

Monday – Swim: Endurance and Technique

Warm-Up: 400m mixed strokes at a comfortable pace
Main Set: 3 x 400m freestyle at threshold pace, 60 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m choice of stroke focusing on form

Technique Focus: High elbow catch and bilateral breathing
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and latissimus dorsi stretches
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids for joint health

Tuesday – Bike: Strength and Endurance

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes, with 3 x 10 minutes at 70 RPM in a higher gear
Cool Down: 20 minutes of easy spinning at 90-100 RPM

Technique Focus: Smooth pedal stroke and maintaining a strong core
Mobility Exercise: Piriformis and glute stretches
Nutritional Tip: Protein intake post-workout for muscle recovery

Wednesday – Run: Base Building

Duration: 1 hour at a steady state
Cool Down: 15 minutes of light jogging and dynamic stretching

Technique Focus: Midfoot striking and consistent cadence around 85-90 steps per minute
Mobility Exercise: Hamstring stretches and calf raises
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with carbs, protein, and healthy fats

Thursday – Swim: Speed and Agility

Warm-Up: 300m easy swim with drills
Main Set: 10 x 100m intervals, 20 seconds rest, focusing on speed
Cool Down: 200m easy, using a kickboard

Technique Focus: Quick turns and fast push-offs
Mobility Exercise: Ankle flexibility drills and hip openers
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate-rich foods pre-workout for energy

Friday – Bike: Cadence Drills

Duration: 1 hour including 5 x 3 minutes at 100-110 RPM, 2 minutes easy
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy spinning focusing on recovery

Technique Focus: High cadence maintenance and upper body stillness
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg stretches and foam rolling for quads
Nutritional Tip: Electrolyte-rich hydration during high-intensity training

Saturday – Brick Workout: Transition Practice

Bike Duration: 1 hour at moderate effort, including 4 x 5 minutes at race pace, 85 RPM
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, maintaining race pace
Cool Down: Full-body stretching with an emphasis on hip flexors

Technique Focus: Smooth transitions between disciplines
Mobility Exercise: Yoga flow for triathletes focusing on transition movements
Nutritional Tip: Immediate post-workout snack with a 3:1 carb to protein ratio

Sunday – Long Run: Aerobic Endurance

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes at a conversational pace
Cool Down: 15 minutes walk and stretching routine

Technique Focus: Relaxed shoulders and efficient breathing
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretch with a focus on lower body
Nutritional Tip: Hydrate well post-run and replenish glycogen stores

Week 1 Summary:

This initial week in the advanced training program establishes a robust base phase with a focus on building endurance and refining technique across all three disciplines. The swim workouts emphasize technique and building endurance with longer sets. Bike sessions include strength elements and cadence work to enhance muscular endurance and leg speed. Running is focused on creating a solid aerobic foundation. The brick workout introduces the athlete to transition efficiency, critical for race day success. Strength and mobility exercises are included to enhance flexibility, prevent injury, and aid in recovery. Nutrition tips are geared towards optimizing recovery and fueling the increased training intensity.

Week 2: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Base Phase

Monday – Swim: Technique and Endurance Focus

Warm-Up: 500m alternating freestyle and choice of stroke
Main Set: 4 x 300m freestyle with pull buoy, focus on form, 45 seconds rest
Cool Down: 300m easy choice of stroke

Technique Focus: Streamlined body position, consistent kick
Mobility Exercise: Full body stretch, especially shoulders and ankles
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with a focus on electrolyte balance

Tuesday – Bike: Power and Endurance

Duration: 2 hours with 3 x 15 minutes at 65-70 RPM in a challenging gear
Cool Down: 30 minutes of easy spinning at 95 RPM

Technique Focus: Power application through the pedal stroke
Mobility Exercise: Lower back stretches, hip flexors release
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrates with a moderate glycemic index for sustained energy

Wednesday – Run: Hill Repeats for Strength

Duration: 1 hour including 10 x 2 minutes hill repeats, jog back recovery
Cool Down: 20 minutes of light jogging and dynamic stretching

Technique Focus: High knee lift, driving arms on uphill
Mobility Exercise: Calf stretches, Achilles tendon care
Nutritional Tip: Protein-rich recovery meal post-workout

Thursday – Swim: Speed Intervals

Warm-Up: 400m mixing strokes and drills
Main Set: 12 x 100m at high-intensity, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m using a kickboard focusing on flutter kick

Technique Focus: Quick arm turnover, efficient breathing
Mobility Exercise: Wrist and forearm stretches
Nutritional Tip: Simple sugars and protein intake for immediate recovery

Friday – Bike: Threshold Intervals

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes including 4 x 10 minutes at threshold effort, 85 RPM
Cool Down: 25 minutes of easy spinning

Technique Focus: Steady upper body, focus on breathing
Mobility Exercise: Quad and hamstring stretches
Nutritional Tip: Post-training snack with a blend of protein and carbs

Saturday – Brick Workout: Race Pace Simulation

Bike Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes including 3 x 10 minutes at race pace, 90 RPM
Run Duration: 40 minutes transitioning to a run maintaining race pace
Cool Down: Stretching focused on muscle recovery

Technique Focus: Efficient transitions, maintaining form
Mobility Exercise: Stretching sequence targeting transition-specific muscles
Nutritional Tip: Balanced intake of fluids and a recovery meal within 30 minutes

Sunday – Long Run: Aerobic Capacity

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes focusing on a steady, sustained effort
Cool Down: 20 minutes of walking and stretching

Technique Focus: Consistent pace, relaxed breathing
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretching, with a focus on hip mobility
Nutritional Tip: Long-lasting energy sources, such as complex carbohydrates

Week 2 Summary:

The second week enhances the base phase with increased volume and intensity. The swim workouts continue to emphasize technique while introducing longer endurance sets. Cycling sessions incorporate power development with low cadence, strength-oriented intervals, and threshold efforts to improve muscular endurance and power. The run includes hill repeats to build strength and improve running economy. The brick workout mimics race conditions, emphasizing efficient transitions and pacing. Mobility exercises focus on areas of high stress from the week’s workouts, promoting recovery and injury prevention. Nutrition tips are designed to support increased demands and optimize recovery.

Week 3: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Base Phase Enhancement

Monday – Swim: Endurance and Speed Play

Warm-Up: 600m mixing freestyle and backstroke
Main Set: 6 x 200m freestyle, every fourth 50m at sprint pace, 30 seconds rest
Cool Down: 400m easy backstroke focusing on form

Technique Focus: Consistent stroke rate, controlled breathing
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations, latissimus dorsi stretches
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids for joint health and recovery

Tuesday – Bike: Endurance with Speed Surges

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes with 4 x 5 minutes at 90 RPM, surge to 110 RPM for 1 minute
Cool Down: 30 minutes easy spinning

Technique Focus: Smooth transition between cadences
Mobility Exercise: Glute and piriformis stretches
Nutritional Tip: Introduce sodium-rich foods to replenish electrolytes

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Duration: 1 hour with a mix of 3, 4, and 5-minute efforts at varied intensities
Cool Down: 15 minutes of jogging and dynamic stretching

Technique Focus: Variable pace management, quick foot turnover
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings, hip circles
Nutritional Tip: Balanced meal with equal parts protein, fats, and carbohydrates

Thursday – Strength Training: Functional Movements

Routine: 3 sets of bodyweight exercises including squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, and pull-ups
Cool Down: Stretching with an emphasis on core muscles

Technique Focus: Proper alignment, core engagement
Mobility Exercise: Deep tissue release with foam rolling
Nutritional Tip: Emphasize protein for muscle repair and growth

Friday – Swim: Threshold Sets

Warm-Up: 400m with drills emphasizing catch phase
Main Set: 8 x 150m at threshold pace, 20 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m easy choice, focus on relaxation

Technique Focus: Efficient hand entry, high elbow pull
Mobility Exercise: Tricep stretches, chest openers
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate intake to fuel high-intensity efforts

Saturday – Brick Workout: Threshold Bike and Run

Bike Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes including 4 x 10 minutes at threshold, 85 RPM
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, maintaining threshold run pace
Cool Down: Stretching, prioritize lower body

Technique Focus: Seamless transition from cycling to running
Mobility Exercise: Yoga poses targeting hip flexors and hamstrings
Nutritional Tip: Immediate post-workout nutrition with a 3:1 carb to protein ratio

Sunday – Long Run: Progressive Build

Duration: 2 hours with a gradual increase to half marathon pace
Cool Down: 20 minutes of easy walking, full-body stretching

Technique Focus: Steady pace increase, maintain form under fatigue
Mobility Exercise: Full-body yoga sequence to promote recovery and flexibility
Nutritional Tip: Slow-digesting carbohydrates the night before for sustained energy

Week 3 Summary:

This week’s regimen intensifies the base phase with a focus on endurance and introduces speed variability. The swim sessions integrate speed work within endurance sets to enhance cardiovascular capacity. The cycling component emphasizes cadence changes and power surges to improve bike strength and efficiency. Run training employs a fartlek approach to boost both aerobic and anaerobic systems. A dedicated strength day with functional exercises ensures overall muscular balance and core stability. The brick session simulates race day intensity and transitions. Recovery is facilitated through targeted mobility work and nutritional strategies that support the increased training demands.

Week 4: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Base Phase Consolidation

Monday – Swim: Technique and Aerobic Endurance

Warm-Up: 500m alternating freestyle and breaststroke
Main Set: 4 x 300m freestyle focusing on bilateral breathing, 20 seconds rest
Cool Down: 300m with single-arm drills and fingertip drag for high elbow recovery

Technique Focus: Bilateral breathing and high elbow catch
Mobility Exercise: Wrist flexor and extensor stretches
Nutritional Tip: Increase water intake to support hydration

Tuesday – Bike: Strength and Power

Duration: 2 hours consisting of 6 x 5-minute intervals at low cadence (60-65 RPM), high resistance
Cool Down: 20 minutes of easy spinning at 90-95 RPM

Technique Focus: Pedal stroke efficiency, power application
Mobility Exercise: Hamstring stretches and calf raises
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate beetroot juice for its potential to improve blood flow and endurance

Wednesday – Run: Hill Repeats

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes including 10 x 2-minute hill ascents with jog back recovery
Cool Down: 15 minutes easy jog on flat terrain

Technique Focus: Uphill form, driving knees, and using arms
Mobility Exercise: Quadriceps stretches and foam rolling for IT band
Nutritional Tip: Refuel with a snack high in glycogen within 30 minutes post-workout

Thursday – Strength Training: Core Stability and Muscular Endurance

Routine: 3 sets of planks, side planks, Russian twists, and leg raises
Cool Down: Stretching focusing on the abdominals and obliques

Technique Focus: Core activation, controlled movements
Mobility Exercise: Pilates exercises like ‘The Saw’ for flexibility and core strength
Nutritional Tip: Balanced intake of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates

Friday – Swim: Endurance with Pick-Ups

Warm-Up: 600m mixing strokes every 100m
Main Set: 10 x 100m with every second 100m increasing speed, 15 seconds rest
Cool Down: 200m easy swim focusing on exhaling underwater

Technique Focus: Streamline position and smooth transitions in speed
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder stretches and neck mobility exercises
Nutritional Tip: Consume a carbohydrate-rich meal 2-3 hours before intense workouts

Saturday – Brick Workout: Aerobic Bike and Transition Run

Bike Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes at steady-state effort
Run Duration: 40 minutes at race pace immediately following the bike
Cool Down: Full body stretching with emphasis on hip flexors

Technique Focus: Quick transition to running, maintaining cadence
Mobility Exercise: Active stretching routine post-brick
Nutritional Tip: Immediate recovery shake with high protein and carbohydrate content

Sunday – Long Run: Negative Split

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes, second half 20% faster than the first
Cool Down: Cool down with walking and gentle stretching

Technique Focus: Pace judgment, energy conservation for the second half
Mobility Exercise: Gentle yoga sequence for recovery
Nutritional Tip: Post-run meal with protein, fat, and carbohydrates for recovery

Week 4 Summary:

The fourth week introduces a greater focus on strength and power on the bike, coupled with hill work for the run to build muscular endurance and improve aerobic capacity. Swim sessions continue to prioritize technique with the addition of pick-ups to elevate swimming speed. The brick workout emphasizes a longer, steady-state bike ride to build endurance, followed by a transition run at race pace, fostering adaptability. Strength training is centered on core stability, crucial for maintaining form and efficiency across all three disciplines. Nutrition and recovery are tailored to support the increased workload, emphasizing timely refueling and hydration.

Week 5: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Building Intensity

Monday – Swim: Speed Play

Warm-Up: 400m mixing strokes
Main Set: 8 x 100m at high intensity, alternating with 100m at a moderate pace, 20 seconds rest between sets
Cool Down: 200m focusing on even stroke distribution

Technique Focus: High-intensity interval execution, maintaining form under fatigue
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic shoulder rotations, latissimus dorsi stretch
Nutritional Tip: Small, carbohydrate-rich snack pre-workout for immediate energy

Tuesday – Bike: Threshold Intervals

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes, including 5 x 10-minute efforts at threshold pace with 5 minutes recovery, 95-100 RPM
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy spinning

Technique Focus: Consistent power output, smooth pedal strokes
Mobility Exercise: Hip flexor stretches, glute bridges
Nutritional Tip: Mid-session electrolyte replenishment to maintain mineral balance

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Duration: 1 hour consisting of unstructured speed bursts followed by active recovery
Cool Down: 10 minutes of easy jogging

Technique Focus: Reactivity and speed adaptation, quick turnover during bursts
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings, plyometric drills for ankle strength
Nutritional Tip: Post-workout protein and carbohydrate blend for muscle recovery

Thursday – Strength Training: Functional Movement

Routine: 3 sets of deadlifts, overhead presses, pull-ups (or alternative), and lunges with a focus on form
Cool Down: Full-body stretch, emphasizing lower back and shoulders

Technique Focus: Alignment, movement efficiency
Mobility Exercise: Yoga poses targeting balance and core stability
Nutritional Tip: Inclusion of omega-3 fatty acids for joint health and recovery

Friday – Swim: Aerobic Endurance

Warm-Up: 500m easy swim with focus on breathing patterns
Main Set: 2000m continuous swim at a steady aerobic pace
Cool Down: 200m kicking with a board, focusing on flutter kick technique

Technique Focus: Pacing for endurance, efficient breathing technique
Mobility Exercise: Ankle stretches, achilles tendon care
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with a focus on water intake throughout the day

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes at race intensity, including varied cadence drills
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, focus on maintaining race pace
Cool Down: Stretching with emphasis on quads and hamstrings

Technique Focus: Efficient transition from cycling to running, quick cadence adjustment
Mobility Exercise: Post-brick cooldown routine, lower body focus
Nutritional Tip: Balanced recovery meal with equal parts protein and carbohydrates

Sunday – Long Run: Progressive Build

Duration: 2 hours, starting at moderate pace, increasing to threshold in the final 30 minutes
Cool Down: Walking and static stretching

Technique Focus: Pace progression, energy distribution
Mobility Exercise: Calf and Achilles stretches, foam rolling for leg muscles
Nutritional Tip: Early dinner with complex carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores

Week 5 Summary:

This week’s training intensifies focus on threshold and speed with high-intensity swim intervals and bike threshold intervals, sharpening race-specific speed. Run training incorporates Fartlek for speed adaptability. The brick session transitions from bike to run at race intensity, refining the changeover. Functional strength training enhances overall athletic performance, ensuring athletes can sustain form across disciplines. Aerobic endurance is maintained with a longer, steady swim, and the progressive long run increases in intensity, challenging pace management and endurance. Nutrition pivots toward rapid energy access pre-workout and effective recovery post-workout.

Week 6: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Refining Performance

Monday – Swim: Endurance and Technique

Warm-Up: 400m easy, mixing strokes.
Main Set: 10 x 200m at steady state effort with 15 seconds rest, focusing on technique.
Cool Down: 300m, alternating backstroke and freestyle every 50m.

Technique Focus: Hand entry and exit, maintaining high elbow during pull phase.
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder stretches and scapular mobilization.
Nutritional Tip: Incorporate beetroot juice for its natural performance-enhancing qualities.

Tuesday – Bike: Power Intervals

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes with 6 x 5-minute high-intensity intervals at 110% FTP, 5 minutes easy spinning recovery. Cadence between 90-95 RPM.
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy spinning to flush legs.

Technique Focus: Strong, controlled power output during intervals.
Mobility Exercise: Lower back stretches and piriformis stretches to maintain flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: Snack on dates or figs for a quick, natural sugar boost mid-workout.

Wednesday – Run: Hill Repeats

Duration: 1 hour with 10 x 2-minute uphill efforts at hard but controlled pace, jog down recovery.
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy jogging with focus on form.

Technique Focus: Efficient uphill form, driving knees and maintaining upright posture.
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic calf stretches and Achilles tendon care.
Nutritional Tip: A recovery shake with a 4:1 carb to protein ratio post-run.

Thursday – Strength and Mobility

Routine: 3 sets of bodyweight exercises including squats, push-ups, dips, and planks.
Cool Down: Full-body stretching with a focus on dynamic movements.

Technique Focus: Core stability and muscular endurance.
Mobility Exercise: Active yoga poses targeting hip openers and thoracic mobility.
Nutritional Tip: Balanced intake of lean protein and complex carbs to support muscle repair.

Friday – Swim: Speed Emphasis

Warm-Up: 300m easy, focusing on form.
Main Set: 20 x 50m fast with 10 seconds rest, concentrating on stroke rate.
Cool Down: 200m easy, choice of stroke.

Technique Focus: Quick catch and increased stroke rate.
Mobility Exercise: Wrist and forearm stretches to prevent tightness from high stroke rate.
Nutritional Tip: Hydrate with electrolyte-infused water to optimize nerve and muscle function.

Saturday – Brick Workout: Long Bike and Transition Run

Bike Duration: 3 hours at moderate intensity, incorporating 3 x 15 minutes at race pace. Cadence focus of 90 RPM.
Run Duration: 40 minutes off the bike at race pace, focusing on quick transition to running cadence.
Cool Down: Stretching regimen targeting hip flexors, quads, and hamstrings.

Technique Focus: Seamless transition from cycling to running cadence.
Mobility Exercise: Leg swings and hip rotations to enhance fluidity in transition.
Nutritional Tip: Post-workout meal with ample carbs and protein for recovery and muscle synthesis.

Sunday – Run: Aerobic Endurance

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes at a steady aerobic pace, aiming for a consistent effort.
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy walking, followed by static stretching.

Technique Focus: Rhythm and pacing for sustained effort.
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling for IT band and quads, focusing on releasing tension.
Nutritional Tip: A balanced meal with anti-inflammatory components like turmeric and ginger to aid recovery.

Week 6 Summary:

The sixth week introduces increased specificity in swim workouts, focusing on technique during endurance sets. Bike power intervals are designed to boost FTP, while hill repeats on the run are crucial for developing power and form on inclines. The week’s strength session is aimed at functional, dynamic movements to enhance overall mobility and strength. The weekend’s brick workout extends the bike duration with an increased focus on race-pace efforts, followed by a longer transition run to improve adaptability. The long run prioritizes consistent aerobic effort, vital for race day stamina. Nutrition throughout the week focuses on both immediate energy needs during workouts and recovery to maximize training adaptations.

Week 7: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Elevating Intensity

Monday – Swim: Threshold Sets

Warm-Up: 400m with focus on long, smooth strokes.
Main Set: 8 x 100m at threshold pace with 20 seconds rest, 400m pull with buoy for strength.
Cool Down: 200m easy backstroke.

Technique Focus: Consistent pace and stroke efficiency under fatigue.
Mobility Exercise: Lateral arm stretches and torso twists.
Nutritional Tip: Consume a snack rich in complex carbohydrates within 30 minutes post-training.

Tuesday – Bike: Tempo Efforts

Duration: 2 hours with 3 x 20-minute blocks at tempo effort, 10-minute easy spinning between sets. Cadence around 85-90 RPM.
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy pedaling.

Technique Focus: Stable core and smooth force application through the pedal stroke.
Mobility Exercise: Hamstring stretches and hip flexor dynamic stretches.
Nutritional Tip: Stay hydrated with an electrolyte solution, particularly during extended efforts.

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Duration: 1 hour with mixed intervals of 3, 4, and 5 minutes at varying intensities, followed by equal time of jogging for recovery.
Cool Down: 20 minutes of easy jogging focusing on active recovery.

Technique Focus: Quick foot turnover and maintaining form during speed changes.
Mobility Exercise: Ankle circles and dynamic leg swings.
Nutritional Tip: A blend of simple and complex carbohydrates during the run to maintain energy levels.

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning

Routine: 3 sets of functional circuits including lunges, step-ups, plank variations, and single-leg deadlifts.
Cool Down: Stretching with a focus on deep muscle release.

Technique Focus: Alignment and balance during unilateral movements.
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling for deep tissue massage, particularly on glutes and calves.
Nutritional Tip: Protein-rich foods to aid muscle recovery and growth post-session.

Friday – Swim: Speed and Agility

Warm-Up: 300m mixed strokes with emphasis on kick.
Main Set: 16 x 50m at high-intensity, with 15 seconds rest, alternating focus between sprint and technique.
Cool Down: 250m easy with focus on breathing control.

Technique Focus: Explosive starts and fast turns.
Mobility Exercise: Neck and shoulder rolls to relax upper body muscles.
Nutritional Tip: Hydrate consistently, small sips of water throughout the session.

Saturday – Brick Workout: Intense Bike and Transition Run

Bike Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes, including 4 x 10 minutes at race pace, 5 minutes easy spinning between efforts. Target cadence of 90-95 RPM.
Run Duration: 30 minutes, starting at moderate and building to race pace.
Cool Down: Stretching focused on lower body, especially calves and quadriceps.

Technique Focus: Rapid transition from cycling to running with minimal speed loss.
Mobility Exercise: Hip rotations and calf raises to maintain agility.
Nutritional Tip: Post-workout, prioritize carbohydrates and electrolytes to replenish glycogen and salts.

Sunday – Run: Long Endurance

Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes at a consistent endurance pace.
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking to aid in recovery, followed by static stretching.

Technique Focus: Consistent energy management and pacing.
Mobility Exercise: Deep stretching routine for the lower body, focusing on long-hold stretches for flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: Post-long run, include omega-3 fatty acids for their anti-inflammatory benefits.

Week 7 Summary:

This week’s schedule heightens intensity across disciplines with threshold swim sets, tempo bike efforts, and varied run intervals, pushing the athlete’s capacity to sustain higher workloads. Strength and conditioning work aims at functional strength, complementing the endurance and speed work. The weekend brick session sharpens transition efficiency and integrates a longer run to bolster endurance. Nutritional guidance supports recovery and energy needs, with an emphasis on timely carbohydrate intake and hydration. This phase is crucial for solidifying the adaptations required for peak performance in the forthcoming weeks.

Week 8: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Sharpening Performance

Monday – Swim: Mixed Pace Intervals

Warm-Up: 300m easy swim focusing on form.
Main Set: 10 x 100m alternating between race pace and above race pace with 15 seconds rest; 5 x 200m at race pace with 30 seconds rest.
Cool Down: 300m incorporating backstroke and breaststroke to relax all muscle groups.

Technique Focus: Transition smoothly between different paces without losing stroke efficiency.
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder stretches using a band to improve range of motion.
Nutritional Tip: Intake of a balanced electrolyte drink to maintain hydration levels.

Tuesday – Bike: Hill Repeats and Power

Duration: 2 hours including a 40-minute warm-up, 6 x 5 minutes uphill efforts at high intensity with 5 minutes of recovery spin; remainder of the time at steady endurance pace. Cadence for hill repeats around 60-70 RPM, endurance pace at 90 RPM.
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy spin focusing on smooth pedal strokes.

Technique Focus: Maintain a strong, stable core during hill climbs and control breathing to ensure efficiency.
Mobility Exercise: Quadriceps and calf stretches to aid in recovery from hill efforts.
Nutritional Tip: Ingest a carbohydrate-rich snack with protein post-training to aid recovery.

Wednesday – Run: Tempo Intervals

Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes with a 20-minute easy jog warm-up, followed by 4 x 15 minutes at tempo pace with 5 minutes recovery jog between sets.
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy jogging with focus on active recovery.

Technique Focus: Maintain a quick cadence and upright posture throughout the tempo efforts.
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg stretches pre-run and static stretches post-run for muscle recovery.
Nutritional Tip: Small, frequent sips of an energy drink with a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio during the run.

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning

Routine: 4 sets of circuit training including plyometrics for lower body and core stability exercises.
Cool Down: Stretching and yoga poses aimed at promoting flexibility and muscle relaxation.

Technique Focus: Precision and control during explosive movements.
Mobility Exercise: Deep lunges and twists to enhance core strength and leg flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: Protein intake post-workout to support muscle repair and growth.

Friday – Swim: Endurance and Technique

Warm-Up: 500m at an easy pace with focus on long glides.
Main Set: 20 x 50m at a moderate pace focusing on technique, with 15 seconds rest; 3 x 400m at endurance pace with 1-minute rest.
Cool Down: 200m easy choice stroke.

Technique Focus: Consistent stroke count per lap and efficient breathing technique.
Mobility Exercise: Full body stretching, focusing on the lower back and hips.
Nutritional Tip: Post-swim, consume a mix of high-glycemic index carbs to quickly replenish energy stores.

Saturday – Brick Workout: Race Pace Simulation

Bike Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes including a warm-up, followed by 60 minutes at race pace. Target cadence of 92-98 RPM.
Run Duration: 40 minutes off the bike at race pace with focus on quick transition into running rhythm.
Cool Down: 15 minutes of walking followed by a thorough stretching session.

Technique Focus: Efficient bike to run transition and maintaining race pace during both disciplines.
Mobility Exercise: Calf raises and Achilles stretches to prevent tightness post-brick.
Nutritional Tip: A recovery drink with a mix of carbs and protein within 30 minutes post-workout.

Sunday – Run: Long Steady Distance

Duration: 2 hours at a steady, aerobic pace, slightly below race intensity.
Cool Down: 20 minutes of walking, followed by a stretching session focusing on hamstrings, quadriceps, and hip flexors.

Technique Focus: Steady and controlled pace, focusing on endurance.
Mobility Exercise: Pigeon pose and deep quad stretches for increased lower body flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: A meal with low glycemic index carbs and protein to facilitate recovery and muscle repair.

Week 8 Summary:

Focused on race pace simulation and power, this week sees a blend of high-intensity and endurance sessions. Intervals in swimming are designed to enhance speed and endurance, while cycling sessions introduce hill repeats for power development. The run sessions continue to build on tempo efforts. The brick workout is key for refining transitions and race day pacing strategies. Nutritional guidance supports recovery and maximizes energy stores.

Week 9: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Refining Speed and Endurance

Monday – Swim: Speed Endurance

Warm-Up: 400m mixed strokes focusing on form and efficiency.
Main Set: 8 x 100m at race pace with 20 seconds rest, 4 x 200m pulling with paddles at threshold pace with 30 seconds rest.
Cool Down: 300m easy, focusing on smooth, long strokes.

Technique Focus: Streamline position off each turn and consistent pace throughout.
Mobility Exercise: Lat and shoulder stretches to maintain flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: Pre-swim, a snack rich in complex carbohydrates; post-swim, a protein shake.

Tuesday – Bike: Threshold Efforts

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes including a 30-minute warm-up, 3 x 20 minutes at threshold intensity with 10 minutes easy spinning between sets. Cadence for threshold efforts at 85-95 RPM.
Cool Down: 25 minutes easy cycling.

Technique Focus: Maintain a stable upper body during high-intensity efforts.
Mobility Exercise: Hamstring and glute stretches to aid recovery.
Nutritional Tip: Mid-ride, energy gels or bars; post-ride, a meal with a balance of protein and carbs.

Wednesday – Run: Fartlek Training

Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes including a 20-minute warm-up, followed by 40 minutes of Fartlek (speed play), alternating between 1 minute fast and 2 minutes at a moderate pace.
Cool Down: 10 minutes of easy jogging.

Technique Focus: Quick turnover and efficient form during speed intervals.
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic stretches pre-run; foam rolling post-run.
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with electrolyte solution during the run; recovery meal within an hour post-run.

Thursday – Strength and Conditioning

Routine: 5 sets of bodyweight exercises including push-ups, pull-ups, planks, and squats with a focus on core engagement and explosive power.
Cool Down: Stretching routine targeting all major muscle groups.

Technique Focus: Controlled movement and proper alignment.
Mobility Exercise: Yoga sequence for core and hip flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: Snack on a protein bar or nuts post-workout.

Friday – Swim: Aerobic Capacity

Warm-Up: 400m easy swim with focus on breathing patterns.
Main Set: 4 x 500m at a consistent aerobic pace with 1-minute rest intervals.
Cool Down: 200m using backstroke to relax the shoulders.

Technique Focus: Efficient flip turns and bilateral breathing.
Mobility Exercise: Stretching routine for the ankles and feet to improve kick flexibility.
Nutritional Tip: Carbohydrate-rich fluids during rest intervals; protein intake post-swim.

Saturday – Brick Workout: Long Bike followed by Transition Run

Bike Duration: 3 hours with a focus on steady-state endurance riding. Cadence maintained at 90-95 RPM.
Run Duration: Immediately follow with a 30-minute run at a pace that simulates race day transition.
Cool Down: A 15-minute walk, then stretching, paying particular attention to the lower body.

Technique Focus: Efficient energy distribution on the bike and swift transition to running form.
Mobility Exercise: Deep stretches for the hip flexors and quadriceps.
Nutritional Tip: During the bike, a mix of carbohydrates and protein; post-brick, a well-balanced meal.

Sunday – Run: Hill Repeats

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes including a 20-minute warm-up, 10 x 3-minute hill repeats with jog back recovery.
Cool Down: 20 minutes easy jog with an emphasis on recovery.

Technique Focus: Strong drive from the hips and consistent effort on the incline.
Mobility Exercise: Calf stretches and foam rolling for the lower back and legs.
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with electrolytes and a meal rich in protein and carbohydrates post-workout.

Week 9 Summary:

Intensifying the specificity of race pace, this week incorporates speed endurance swimming, threshold cycling, and varied intensity running. The strength session continues to support muscle endurance and explosive power. Nutrition remains pivotal, focusing on immediate post-workout recovery and maintaining energy levels during longer sessions. The brick workout and hill repeats are critical in simulating race conditions and building resilience.

Week 10: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Intensity and Taper Preparation

Monday – Swim: Intensive Speed

Warm-Up: 300m, incorporating drills for stroke refinement.
Main Set: 10 x 50m at sprint pace with 15 seconds rest, 5 x 200m at race pace with 30 seconds rest, focusing on maintaining stroke rate.
Cool Down: 200m easy, concentrating on form.

Technique Focus: High elbow catch and powerful pull.
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and wrist flexor stretches.
Nutritional Tip: Snack on fruits and hydrate well post-session.

Tuesday – Bike: Power Intervals

Duration: 2 hours with a 20-minute warm-up. Main set includes 6 x 5 minutes at high intensity with 5 minutes of recovery spin. Cadence at 90 RPM for intervals and 80 RPM for recovery.
Cool Down: 20 minutes of easy spinning.

Technique Focus: Steady power output and smooth pedal strokes.
Mobility Exercise: Lower back and piriformis stretches.
Nutritional Tip: Energy bars or a banana during recovery spins; protein-carb shake afterward.

Wednesday – Run: Tempo Effort

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes including a 20-minute warm-up, 40 minutes at tempo pace where conversation is difficult but controlled, followed by 20 minutes cool down jog.

Technique Focus: Consistent pace and midfoot strike.
Mobility Exercise: Leg swings and Achilles stretches.
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with a carb-rich drink; post-run, a nutrient-dense meal.

Thursday – Strength and Mobility

Routine: Circuit of push-ups, lunges, chin-ups, and planks, 4 sets with minimal rest.
Cool Down: Stretching, focusing on dynamic movements and balance.

Technique Focus: Core stability and alignment.
Mobility Exercise: Pilates exercises focusing on core and hip flexors.
Nutritional Tip: Lean proteins and complex carbs within 30 minutes of completing the workout.

Friday – Swim: Mixed Pace

Warm-Up: 300m, mixing strokes.
Main Set: 3 x (4 x 100m) with the first 100m at easy pace, second at moderate, third at tempo, and fourth at sprint pace. Rest for 20 seconds after each 100m set.
Cool Down: 200m easy, backstroke or choice.

Technique Focus: Transitioning between paces while maintaining form.
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretches with a focus on the torso and legs.
Nutritional Tip: Hydrate throughout; recovery meal with high protein content.

Saturday – Long Bike

Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes of steady endurance riding. First hour at a warm-up pace, next 2 hours at a steady state, last 30 minutes at a moderate pace. Cadence around 85-95 RPM.

Technique Focus: Aerodynamic position and smooth cadence transitions.
Mobility Exercise: Comprehensive lower body stretching session.
Nutritional Tip: Mid-ride, opt for a mix of quick and slow-release energy foods.

Sunday – Long Run

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes including 30 minutes warm-up, 1 hour at a steady state close to race pace, 15 minutes cool down.

Technique Focus: Rhythm and relaxation under fatigue.
Mobility Exercise: Full-body stretch, emphasizing the hips and hamstrings.
Nutritional Tip: Post-run, a blend of carbs and protein to facilitate recovery.

Week 10 Summary:

The program’s focus this week is on sharpening intensity while beginning to look ahead to the taper phase. Intensive swim and bike intervals improve speed and power, while the tempo run boosts threshold endurance. The strength session is tailored to maintain muscle activation without inducing fatigue. This week’s long bike and run workouts serve dual purposes: they reinforce endurance while also acting as the last long sessions before the taper begins. Nutrition and recovery strategies are prioritized to ensure the body is well-fueled and can repair effectively.

Week 11: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Tapering and Technique Refinement

Monday – Swim: Technique Emphasis

Warm-Up: 400m, mixing strokes and drills for technique.
Main Set: 12 x 100m at moderate pace with emphasis on stroke efficiency, 15 seconds rest between intervals.
Cool Down: 200m easy, focus on breathing and relaxation.

Technique Focus: Streamline position and efficient breathing.
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic shoulder stretches and core twists.
Nutritional Tip: Hydrate with electrolyte-infused water and consume a protein-rich snack.

Tuesday – Bike: Cadence Play

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes with intervals of cadence changes: 10 minutes warm-up, then 4 x (5 minutes high cadence at 100 RPM, 5 minutes low cadence at 70 RPM), followed by 10 minutes at race pace.
Cool Down: 15 minutes of easy spinning.

Technique Focus: Smooth transitions between different cadences.
Mobility Exercise: Calf and quad stretches, foam rolling for the IT band.
Nutritional Tip: Mid-session, consume an energy gel; post-ride, a carb and protein recovery drink.

Wednesday – Run: Pace Variation

Duration: 1 hour including 20 minutes of warm-up jogging, then 6 x (3 minutes at 5k race pace, 2 minutes easy jog).
Cool Down: 10 minutes of easy jogging.

Technique Focus: Controlled speed and maintaining form at varying paces.
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg stretches and hip flexor mobility.
Nutritional Tip: A balanced meal with complex carbs and lean protein post-run.

Thursday – Strength: Functional Movements

Routine: Bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, dips, single-leg squats, and core planks. 3 sets of each with a focus on form.
Cool Down: Stretching and yoga poses for flexibility and balance.

Technique Focus: Muscle engagement and movement efficiency.
Mobility Exercise: Yoga sequences that enhance flexibility and core strength.
Nutritional Tip: Snack on nuts and seeds for protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Friday – Swim: Speed and Endurance

Warm-Up: 300m, easy pace with focus on long glides.
Main Set: 8 x 50m at high speed with 20 seconds rest, 400m at a consistent pace.
Cool Down: 200m, choice of stroke, relaxed breathing.

Technique Focus: Speed maintenance and endurance.
Mobility Exercise: Full body stretching, with a focus on the lower back and abs.
Nutritional Tip: Post-swim smoothie with greens, fruit, and protein powder.

Saturday – Brick Workout: Bike to Run Transition

Bike Duration: 2 hours including 90 minutes at a steady pace, then 30 minutes incorporating race pace efforts. Cadence maintained at 85-95 RPM throughout.
Run Duration: 30 minutes off the bike, steady pace transitioning to race pace for the last 10 minutes.

Technique Focus: Efficient transition from cycling to running mechanics.
Mobility Exercise: Post-brick session with a focus on calf stretches and hip flexors.
Nutritional Tip: During the bike, sip on a carbohydrate solution; post-brick, a meal with a balance of carbs, protein, and fats.

Sunday – Run: Endurance Maintenance

Duration: 1 hour with 15 minutes warm-up, 40 minutes at a comfortable, sustainable pace, and 5 minutes cool down.

Technique Focus: Consistent rhythm and form, especially in the latter part of the run.
Mobility Exercise: Foam rolling for recovery, paying special attention to the quads and glutes.
Nutritional Tip: Replenish with a balanced breakfast including carbs, protein, and healthy fats.

Week 11 Summary:

This week’s training capitalizes on the advanced athlete’s capacity for high-intensity work while honoring the necessity of the tapering phase. Workouts are designed to hone technique and maintain fitness without causing undue fatigue. The swim sessions focus on stroke refinement, the bike workouts on cadence efficiency, and the run workouts on pace management. The strength routine supports functional movement, with an emphasis on form and stability. The brick workout is crucial for transition practice. Nutrition throughout the week aims to support recovery and energy levels as the body prepares for race day.

Week 12: Advanced Level Training for Olympic Distance Triathlon – Final Taper and Race Preparation

Monday – Swim: Active Recovery

Warm-Up: 200m easy swim, focusing on relaxing every muscle.
Main Set: 10 x 50m with 15 seconds rest, concentrating on form and reducing drag in the water.
Cool Down: 200m using a stroke of choice to unwind.

Technique Focus: Precision in stroke execution and minimizing resistance.
Mobility Exercise: Shoulder rotations and gentle stretching of the upper body.
Nutritional Tip: Hydration with a balance of electrolytes to prepare for race conditions.

Tuesday – Bike: Sharpening

Duration: 1 hour consisting of a 15-minute warm-up, 30 minutes at a steady cadence of 90 RPM, and 15 minutes incorporating 30-second sprints followed by 30 seconds of easy pedaling.
Cool Down: 10 minutes easy spinning to flush out the legs.

Technique Focus: Power delivery during sprints and recovery efficiency.
Mobility Exercise: Lower back and hamstring stretches.
Nutritional Tip: Consume a carbohydrate-rich snack post-workout to top off glycogen stores.

Wednesday – Run: Race Pace Simulation

Duration: 45 minutes including a 15-minute warm-up jog, 20 minutes at potential race pace, and 10 minutes cool down walk to jog.

Technique Focus: Consistent pace, form monitoring, and endurance.
Mobility Exercise: Dynamic leg swings and light plyometric drills.
Nutritional Tip: Focus on a protein-centric meal to aid muscle repair.

Thursday – Strength and Mobility: Activation

Routine: A circuit of bodyweight exercises including planks, side planks, bird-dogs, and glute bridges – 2 sets of each to activate core and stabilizer muscles.
Cool Down: Full body stretching with an emphasis on flexibility and alignment.

Technique Focus: Core stability and muscle activation.
Mobility Exercise: Pilates-inspired movements to enhance core strength.
Nutritional Tip: Small portions of lean protein with vegetables to maintain a light feeling.

Friday – Swim: Pre-Race Tune-Up

Warm-Up: 300m very light swimming, mixing strokes.
Main Set: 4 x 100m at a moderate pace focusing on breathing pattern and smooth transitions.
Cool Down: 200m easy, choice of stroke, with focus on relaxation.

Technique Focus: Breathing efficiency and mental preparation for race rhythm.
Mobility Exercise: Gentle stretching of the shoulders, neck, and back.
Nutritional Tip: Maintain hydration and consume easy-to-digest carbs.

Saturday – Brick Workout: Final Rehearsal

Bike Duration: 1 hour with 40 minutes at a steady effort, followed by 20 minutes of race pace simulation.
Run Duration: 15 minutes off the bike at race pace to prime the legs for race day.

Technique Focus: Transition efficiency and pacing strategy.
Mobility Exercise: Light stretching focusing on calves, quads, and hamstrings.
Nutritional Tip: Post-workout, hydrate and eat a balanced meal to ensure energy levels are optimal for race day.

Sunday – Race Day

Strategy: Execute the race plan with focus on pacing, nutrition, and transition efficiency. Implement the training and preparation to achieve peak performance.

Technique Focus: Application of all training principles to race conditions.
Mobility Exercise: Post-race cool down with stretching and mobility work to aid recovery.
Nutritional Tip: Pre-race, a familiar breakfast with a mix of carbs and protein. During the race, follow a personalized hydration and nutrition strategy.

Week 12 Summary:

This final week is about priming the athlete’s body for peak performance on race day. Sessions are short, sharp, and focused on race pace to keep the muscles engaged without inducing fatigue. Strength and mobility work are minimized but targeted to activate the necessary muscle groups. Nutritional strategies this week aim to ensure the body’s energy stores are full and ready to support a successful race. The culmination of the 12-week advanced training program is the application of all the principles in a real race scenario, balancing effort, technique, and strategy to achieve the best possible outcome.

Disclaimer for Training Programs on

The training programs provided on are designed to offer informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice or instruction. Before beginning any exercise regimen, especially one as intense as a triathlon training program, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified coach to ensure that it’s appropriate for your individual circumstances.


  1. Individual Variances: Everyone’s body reacts differently to training. What works for one person might not work for another. Always listen to your body and adjust training accordingly.
  2. Potential Risks: As with any physical activity, there’s a risk of injury. Ensure you’re executing exercises correctly and safely.
  3. Medical Concerns: If you have any medical conditions or health concerns, it’s essential to speak with a healthcare professional before starting.
  4. Nutrition and Hydration: Along with the physical workouts, proper nutrition and hydration are key. Consider consulting a nutritionist who can guide based on your training.

While the plans have been crafted considering general best practices in triathlon training, and its authors cannot be held liable for any injuries, health complications, or other adverse events that may occur as a result of following these programs. Always prioritize safety and seek expert advice when needed.


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A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

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