AMCI BMC 2012 Orientation Night on June 6, 2012 | You are invited!

If you’re the type of person who likes to dance in the rain, roll down on hills, breathe fresh mountain air and lie down a patch of grass and watch stars.. if your idea of a weekend FUN involves having sand between your toes, gasping on beautiful sunsets, getting mud on your face and enjoying nature at its best.. we invite you to take the ultimate adventure with us.

AMCI Basic Mountaineering Course 2012 is now open to accept applicants.


Go places, discover new thrills, and satisfy your quest for adventure with one of the country’s best mountaineering clubs.  Please feel free to pass on to your friends who might be interested.

Join us on June 6, 2012, 7pm – 9pm at the Old MSE Building Executive Lounge along Ayala Avenue (inside the Ayala Triangle) for our Orientation Night. Here we will provide a detailed overview on what AMCI and our BMC is all about. See you there!


RSVP: Patrick Peig: 0947-3370039

AMCI, Celebrating over 25 years of Responsible Mountaineering.!/myamci Team

A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

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