MultiSport Magazine | June 2013

Step out of your comfort zone and plunge into uncharted waters with this month’s MultiSport Philippines!

Even runners will want to dip their toes into the swimming habit when SpeedoFit Ambassador Dennis Valdes and wife, Tessa Prieto-Valdes, reveal the many benefits of their highly-recommended, zero-impact sport! But don’t get too familiar with your sea legs just yet because Coach Andy Leuterio will pull you back up onto the road with his favorite, must-try pit stops—perfect for cyclists just starting to venture into the “easy 100K” weekend bike rides.


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We’re also busting myths this June as Harvie De Baron debunks the rampant misconception that exercise can counterbalance unhealthy eating. And last, but not the least, catch up on your running with a sneak peek into the first leg of this year’s MultiSport 101 Camp!

All that and more in MultiSport Philippines June—out now! Team

A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

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