Surviving the Cobra Ironman 70.3 Philippines Camsur swim using only breaststroke?

Ask any triathlete to do a century ride (100k)… and they would gladly do it.. and do so with a smile!

Ask ’em to run a 21k on any given Sunday.. and chances are.. you’ll get a yes.

But invite ’em for a 2k straight swim.. unless that triathlete loves the water or is a really good swimmer, there’s always the possible that he/she might not show up at the pool.

The Cobra Ironman 70.3 Phils Camsur swim has the reputation of being the most toughest swim leg in any triathlon in the Philippines.. and rightly so. Being a man made lake, you can kiss your buoyancy goodbye. As soon as you stop pulling and kicking, you WILL sink. Not to mention it already has claimed its first victim.

What’s toughest about the lake is the visibility, which is almost zero. As soon as your hand enters the water, you wont be able to see it anymore! So a word of advice.. if you’re bad at sighting.. PRACTICE IT NOW.

So going back to the topic.. can you survive it using pure breaststroke? That’s currently one of the hottest topics in the forum. As one forum member is doubting his ability to finish the swim leg.. given that we now only have 2 months to go before the big dance.. and he can barely swim 100m freestyle.

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A triathlete making a comeback and a true blue Scorpio. That sums it up quite nicely :)

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